Having ugly cry undertale thoughts again can we still kiss

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The human souls revolting in the omega flowey fight makes me emotional to this day. We never meet these kids, dont know their names or faces, and they dont know frisk. But they still have enough fight left in them to see another child suffering as they did (and still are) and fight back

Frisk and these kids will never talk. Frisk cannot thank them and know for sure they will hear, and these souls cannot wish frisk well. But in this moment, despite the lack of words, they banded together to protect this child. Its such a beautiful and sad moment of camaraderie. None of them asked to be put in this situation, but they are all bonded by the shared fact that they are and refuse to be turned against each other, even as strangers.

Think about for frisk as well. This is their first human interaction since they fell underground (assuming they cant directly communicate with chara). Aside from strengthening the connection of the moment (they're all strangers in this world) think about what they've heard of humans up until now. That their race locked away a whole species of people. That human souls 'dont need love or compassion to survive'. People trying to kill them and assume the worst of them constantly just because they're human. Undyne thought they- a child- would attack her if she tried to save monster kids life ffs

But here are 6 more humans who didn't hesitate to help them. Especially as this fight is intended to be encountered first on a neutral playthrough, this must have been impactful to them. Understandable or not, having everyone around you assume you to be a monster simply for being a human has gotta suck and as an impressionable child who is already scared i wouldnt fault frisk for fighting in many situations. Which has got to add to the spiral of thoughts that they're inherently bad. But no. Being good or bad is a choice. And here are 6 other humans proving that they can choose to be good. And since the intended next path for the player is pacifist...you see what i mean?

It's such a sweet moment. The comfort this would bring frisk. The way frisks cries for help seem to be what snap the souls out of floweys control- heavily implied to be because they cried for help many times on their journeys and no one came. The way they cant communicate with frisk beyond gestures but nonetheless shower them in healing gifts and change the music (lowkey established to be diegetic in ut) in an attempt to convey the comfort they want to. The way the souls came together not just with frisk but with each other to get out of this horrible situation together because none of them deserved it. The way frisk helps them back by fighting flowey to a standstill to help free them from his control. It's all so good and sad but hopeful and the music is so good and i just wish i could have done more for these kids

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