Chapter 1

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Harry's POV

Summary: Harry was on his way to the Gryffindor Common Room when he heard a bloodcurdling scream emit from an unused classroom on the 3rd floor .

Warnings: Non-con. Abusive relationship. Rated M (T at the moment). 7th year. HP/DM.

Full summary: There's something wrong with Malfoy this year. He's withdrawn and subdued, going out of his way to avoid talking to people. Plus there's the fact he seems to be always seems to be clinging to Zabini like his life depended on it. Harry's intrigued and wonder's why his long-term enemy has suddenly changed. He's not sure why he cares, but he does and is determined to get to the bottom of this. When he finds out, Harry wished he hadn't found out.

Background information: 7th year, AU, Dumbldore's dead (in this story he died during Harry's 6th year as they searched for the horcrux), only one horcrux remains to find, Snape is headmaster, Sirius is alive, Voldemort is still alive, Draco is not a death eater.

Chapter 1 - Back to Normality.

After being subjected to a dull summer, Harry was glad to be returning to Hogwarts for his final year.

Here he was, in his Uncle Vernon's tacky Volkswagen, waiting patiently while Vernon grudgingly drove him to King's Cross Station. Thankfully, they weren't too far away but the way the horrendous London traffic was moving, it might take longer than it should. He couldn't believe he'd never be stepping foot into the dreaded No. 4 Privet again. Although he hadn't had the best of childhoods there by a long shot, it still held a small bit of sentimental value to Harry and returning there every summer would always remind Harry of his parents and the sacrifice they had made to keep him alive. He was too young to remember them so it was hard to miss what he'd never had but they'd always be in heart and Harry would feel forever indebted to his deceased parents for letting him live, even if it was a questionably happy life.

In the back of his mind, he could hear his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon arguing about something that was surely very petty and Harry rolled his eyes at the typical behaviour. The last argument that would ever grace his ears, what a liberating thought!

As cold as it may sound, he wasn't going to miss the Dursley's, in fact, he'd be happy never to see any of their faces again. None of them had ever been particularly nice to him; he'd never even so much as received a small birthday gift or even new clothes, always settling for Dudley's hand-me-down's that used to drown his considerably smaller body. Never once did he complain about the unfairness though, sure he had envied his over-weight cousin at times, but he never went as far as to vocalize his opinion, he wouldn't dare. He just took it in his stride and would pray for the days when he'd never see them again. Today was that Day.

As Vernon turned into St. Pancras, his thoughts came to a halt momentarily. The station was just as busy as it always been this time of the year. Many different types of people were scurrying in and out of the station ranging from important looking businessmen to wailing kids clutching to their mothers' hand. He could also see a few recognizable faces such as Justin Finch-Fletchy and a familiar girl from 4th year, who Harry did not know the name of, making their way in.

Harry stepped out of the moderately priced, yet ugly looking car and watched as Uncle Vernon hefted his school trunk from the boot of the car breathlessly while Aunt Petunia roughly passed him Hedwig's cage. They seemed as eager to get rid of him, as Harry was to go.

"There we are then, guess we won't be seeing you again anytime in the near future." Petunia said bluntly to him, her horsey face wrinkling slightly as she talked.

The situation was awkward to say the least, what could he possibly have to say to these people?

"So it seems." Harry replied tonelessly his gaze drifting to his shoes trying to quench the awkwardness that was growing between the three of them.

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