Chapter 3

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Harry's POV

Warnings: none in this chapter, maybe slight language. Oh and an Angsty!Harry

"Ahh... I'm as full as an egg." Ron declared loudly, setting his cutlery down atop his empty plate with a 'clang' that made Harry flinch for some reason.

"That's disgusting Ronald. Some of us are still eating." Hermione grimaced in disgust at her short-term boyfriend, giving him a stern look before speaking again. "Why do I put up with you?" She said rhetorically with a great amount of affection.

Harry watched his best friend grin at the pretty brunette and opened his mouth to reply but his sister beat him to it.

"Because you've both been making googly eyes at each other for the past I dunno... 6 years?" The redheaded witch commented in a voice that implied it was blatantly obvious before looking at Harry. " You should know this more than anyone else! I feel sorry for you having to put up with all the pent up sexual tension!"

Harry, who still hadn't finished his meal, nodded vigorously and waited till he swallowed before answering. "Thank you! Finally, someone understands what I went through! I was almost tempted to lock them in the room of requirement after our DA sessions in 5th year, but they always managed to escape before I could..." he said with a mock glare at the two before bursting out laughing at the twin expressions on Ron and Hermione's faces.

After a monet, Hermione couldn't help but laughing along with the contagious laugh of her best friend and Ginny couldn't contain herself when she saw her brother's sulky expression.

"Get a grip Ron I was kidding." Harry said, secretly enjoying watching Ron pout.

The redhead shrugged before picking up a bread roll and tearing a massive bite out of it, looking hard done by. So much for being full!

"Mr. Potter." A smooth drawling voice came into hearing range, dampening the cheery atmosphere of the foursome.

Harry turned his head slightly to see Snape standing behind him; his greasy, black hair lank against his sallow face. He looked as miserable as always, Harry would have thought that becoming headmaster might have cheered him up even only a little but it seems nothing pleased the man. Becoming headmaster obviously didn't have an impact on his 'style' either as he was still donning the same gothic black robes Harry had always associates him with.

"If you may report to my office once your finished." Snape droned in monotony before he cast his black, beady eyes on Ron and Hermione. "Alone."

How about no? Harry fumed silently before nodding his head, figuring he had no choice. Besides, he had his own questions for the great bat.

Harry hadn't even realised he was holding his breath till he let out an exasperated sigh.

"You're not actually gonna go are you, mate?" Harry's eyes turned to his best mate who had an appalled look on his face.

"Well, he can't exactly not go can he?" Ginny reasoned, giving Harry a pitying look knowing how much he despised Snape.

"Sure he can! What's Snape gonna do? Expell him?" Ron said disrespectfully, not that Snape deserved any respect that is.

"Forget about it Ron." The green-eyed boy said defeated and stood up from the bench. "Best get this over and done with."

"See you in the common room, Harry." Hermione said, her brown, doe-like eyes encouraging him. As Harry started walking away, the last thing he heard was Hermione's voice saying to Ron; "Maybe we should think about rounding up the first years..."

When Harry opened the heavy wooden door of the Great Hall, he was met with the eerie silence of the vacant entrance hall that contrasted greatly with the cheery adolescent chatter that filled the enchanted Great Hall. Harry then began making his way down the all-too accustomed route of the dungeon at a casual pace, not keen on being early. The chilliness of the corridor made Harry inwardly shiver and he then began to slightly quicken his pace

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