Chapter 7

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Harry's POV

"Why do you even care Potter?"

Harry didn't even take in those words; he was more than a little taken aback at the sight of the angry bruise on Malfoy's right temple, having missed his eye by mere millimeters. Harry couldn't think of a reason as to how it got there in the short space of time. It must really hurt the boy.

"Fuck." Harry said untactfully as he inwardly winced, not being able to take his eyes off it. "Looks like you've had a good right hook to your temple."

As soon as the words left his mouth, Harry's heartstrings unexpectedly tugged when Malfoy's expression turned distant then softening to hurt and the blonde looked away. This concerned Harry more than anything because it was extremely out of character for the blonde to show even the slightest bit of emotion, especially to the boy-who-lived himself. As soon as he blinked, he noticed the boy had hardened his face.

He knew one thing though; whatever had happened wasn't accidental. Perhaps Crabbe or Goyle had gotten fed up of Malfoy bossing them around?

Wait till Zabini sees that! Whoever did it will surely be getting the beating of their lives from Zabini, if they haven't already. Harry can't imagine Zabini putting up with anyone harming Malfoy.

"Be quiet, Potter." The boy said lifelessly, leaning his head against the palm of his uninjured left hand. "It's none of your business."

"Well no..." Harry wasn't discouraged, for some reason he really wanted to know. "Who did it? Goyle?"

"Goyle?" The blonde repeated absurdly. "No, it wasn't. It- it wasn't even a person." Malfoy suddenly looked annoyed at the stumble he had made. "Why are you even asking me this? It's none of your damn business. Your one of the the last people I would tell!"

"So it was a person." Harry said, ignoring Malfoy's predictable tirade and watched as the boy set his jaw.

"I bumped into the corner of a shelf. There. Does that answer satisfy you? Now, can we please get on with-"

"Yeah right. I can practically see the fist indent."

"Oh for Merlin's sake Potter, just drop it will you?" Malfoy blared, glaring daggers at Harry with those striking grey eyes of his. "Don't act like you give a damn so drop it!"

They both held each other's gaze for a few seconds till Harry nodded in defeat. He'd bring it up later. Maybe.

"Thank you." Malfoy said calmly. Harry was almost confused in the quick change in his mood. "Now, let's forget that happened and act like the civilised human beings we had agreed on being."

He followed the blonde's suit as the other boy reached into his bag to get his stuff. As he rummaged through his backpack he realised he hadn't brought a quill with him.

"Hey, you wouldn't happen to have a spare-"

"-Quill?" Malfoy cut him off and gave him a knowing look. The stoic blonde rolled his eyes as the raven-haired boy nodded and passed an expensive looking quill in Harry's direction. "You're so predictable, Potter." He added with a smirk.

Harry looked sheepish. Was he really that predictable?

A book was then nudged in his direction, 'Human Morphing Potions volume 1'. Harry flicked through the pages and had to squint at the tiny print embedded in the old-looking book. He then cast a questioning look in Malfoy's direction. The latter, exhaled in exasperation and dragged his eyes away from his book and at where Harry was seated opposite him.

"Turn to page 345, chapter 11, Polyjuice Potions. Read to page 350 and right down anything of importance down on a piece of parchment." He replied deadpanned. "Honestly Potter, must I do everything for you?"

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