(Time for action)

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The next day Midoriya arrived at the agency early in the morning. The "event" was later at night and his shift started later in the afternoon. He was going to meet with his childhood friend so that they could install the tracker for later that night.

He arrived at the agency in a modest casual outfit. A green Jacket with a black undershirt, paired with this was a black pair of shorts.

 A green Jacket with a black undershirt, paired with this was a black pair of shorts

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(Picture for reference)

"Hi there Midoriya!" Kirishima greeted

"Hello Kirishima!" Midoriya greeted back

"Come! everyone is waiting for you and a few others"Kirishima started walking and Midoriya fallowed

Both Boys went up a stairway and into a giant conference room. The room had a long table and a projection panel at the end. Several Hero's where already sitting in some of the tables. Some witch included, SugarMan, Chargezuma, (I thought denki's hero name was charge bolt...I'm confused XD) Earphone jack, TailMan, Tentacole, Pinky, Uravety, Jack Mantis, Mudman, Real Steel and Emily (4 of 1B students couse "verity" :3)

Bakugo was standing on the other side of the room, Near the whiteboard. (projection panel, whatever is called) as soon as Kirishima and Midoriya walked in, Bakugo went over to them and "grabbed" Midoriya from Kirishima, leading Midoriya towards the back of the room with the projector, there an old lady stood up from her seat.

"So this is the kid?" The lady asked Bakugo

"Yes, Midoriya meet Recovery Girl, she specializes in healing but I've asked her to implant a tracker on you" Bakugo explained before Midoriya kinda freaked out, removing himself from Bakugo's grasp

"WhAt do YoU mEaN i-Implant?!?" Midoriya said trembling

"Is not really and implant child, is more of an injection" Recovery Girl said trying to calm Midoriya

"..."he did not

"Let me explain, I will inject a tracker in your body, more specifically Inside your body"

"Why inside..?" Midoriya asked starting to calm down

"Because it would be more convenient" Bakugo replied instead

"How?!?"Midoriya exclaimed

"Well what if they have people that are there to search for tracking devices? They might make a full body search on you, and if the tracker is inside you they won't find it and or get lost" Bakugo explained

"The tracker can be turned of and this specific tracker that I'm implementing in you can later be removed with a simple surgery, nothing difficult really, more like going to a dentist appointment kind of "surgery" really" Recovery Girl finished

"...alright..." Midoriya finally accepted

As Midoriya was getting his "injection" the other remaining Hero's walked in and finally the meeting could start.

Are you here to ruin me again? (A stripper Deku x hero Bakugo story)Where stories live. Discover now