(Back to midoriya)

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(‼️⚠️Content warning ⚠️ ‼️) (mentions of starvation and manipulation, non-concentual kissing and Forse, read at your own discretion)

Midoriya had been locked in that room for a long time, he couldn't tell, the lighting in the room was making him sleepy all the time, but Midoriya refused to sleep. He was hungry, his stomach a constant reminder, as a way to pass the time he started counting his grumbles. "1...2...3...7.....11.....17........I'm hungry" his mind repeated in his head. The room was quiet now,the playlist stopped playing a while ago, probably ran out of songs to play through the sealing speakers.

Midoriya wondered what Bakugo was doing, if he was going to save him, If he could save him. Bakugo was the number one hero, he could probably save him, but would he "save" save him? Will he save him before something really bad happened? Not that what had already happened wasn't bad but it could get worse.

Midoriya didn't want to think about it, he felt like he wanted to vomit, the room was spinning as he tried to sit up from the bed. He went towards the door for the 20th time and this time banged on it.






Midoriya didn't stop, he knew he wouldn't get an answer but it was better to trie then let his mind wonder. His fist stopped hurting after the 17 time he did it. But then a grumble was heard and he became desperate and started to cry, now banging his head instead. But nobody answered, and he stopped. He went to the bathroom and opened the fósil. At least he had water but food was needed.

As he was in the bathroom he herd the room door open, he went quiet not sure who it was. Then he herd a nock on the bathroom door.

"Midoriya" Kai called

"Are you ok? Those last hits where very hard"

"Do you need medical assistance...I also have food"


"Can you open the door?"

Midoriya heard averything with terror but when food was mentioned, it didn't sound as terrifying anymore, and with hesitation opened the door.

And there he was kai chisaki, the man who kidnapped him with a bowl of what Midoriya could assume was rice. The man looked up an down noticing the he was still wearing the same thing as he was left in. Midoriya noticed his gaze and tried to cover up.

"Come to the main area and eat" ordered kai

Midoriya didn't reply, he only fallowed. In the room was now Eri, the girl that he first met when he arrived in this place. She was sitting in front of a coffee table that was in front of the couch. Midoriya decided to do the same.

"I brought Eri here since you seemed fond of her when you first arrived" kai said as he also sat down next to Midoriya

There was a bag on the table, presumably filld with take out. Kai put a bowl of rice in front of Midoriya and gave him some chopsticks, he did the same for Eri and himself.

Midoriya dive wright in but Kai stopped him

"Am I gonna get any thanks?" Kai looked smug

"Thank you?" Midoriya said

"Not that tipe of thanks" kai corrected

"Give me my thanks here" kai said as he pointed at his cheek, presumably he wanted a kiss

Midoriya eyes widened and he looked at Eri, she didn't have a reaction, she just looked blankly at the food, probably waiting for her order to eat.

"I can't do that" Midoriya said and looked away from Kai's staring glare

"...I thought you would say that" kai said as he leans forward and grabbed Eric's bowl

"WHat are you Doing?!?" Midoriya askd panicked

"Well if you are not gonna eat nether will she, it's kinda rude to eat before your elders you know" kai responded

That put Midoriya in a difficult spot, how long has she been starving? Who knows, he couldn't do that to her, she was just a child.

Midoriya stopped Kai's hand from dragging her bowl away and looked at Kai, Kai looked back, a smug smile plastered on his face. Midoriya leaned closer to his face and gave him his kiss. Only for Kai to grab his face and pull him in for an actual kiss. Midoriya in shock tried to pull away but Kai didn't let him. Kai stared at him with warning eye, one that told Midoriya, do as I want and she won't pay the consequences and he finally let go. After that Kai dragged the bowl back to Eri and let Midoriya eat his. Kai in the other hand didn't eat, he just stared at Midoriya.

Midoriya wanted to puke from the look but tolerated it because he didn't want to scare Eri. His appetite had been lost but he needed the food so he endured it.

When the meal ended and both participants stopped eating, Kai got up, grabbed Eri and left. Midoriya checked the door and it was still locked. He was confused, well obviously Kai likes him...well likes him in a wanting something from him. Midoriya knew what he wanted but he refused to give it to him. Even so, his still at kai's mercy, so why did Kai stop? Why didn't he forse? Well he did but then stopped... and now he asked for a kiss?!? What is he trying to do?!??

Midoriya kept trying to make sense of Kai's actions yet he only puzzled himself more the more he thought about it. Eventually he grew tired and went to the bathroom, locked the door and slept in the bathtub, in fear that something would happen to him while he was sleep.

It was the day for the hero's to rescue Midoriya, but when they arrived, the found nothing, the tracker said Midoriya was there but there was no one around, just an abandoned old stile house. Yet they couldn't find the tracker wich only meant the tracker was beneath them. There they had a problem.

"If we dig down I'll give away the element of surprise" one hero argued

"They have to come up eventually, let's just wait for them up here and take them out one by one" other suggested

"Didn't you see that worm whole they used to escaped? They can come in an out at any point, at any time and any direction" another debunked

"Can't we just go in and arrest everyone??"

"HOW ARE YOU EVEN A HERO?!? we don't know how many people are in there, it would be to reckless!!"

None of this made Bakugo feel better, the opposite, he felt even more distressed because it meant that Midoriya would spend more time with that bastard while they tried to think of a solution.

Author- From this point on I'm gonna be writing mostly from Midoriya POV and his situation until further notice.


hope y'all can live on this till I finish the next 😅

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