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Midoriya fell down the hole and was sliding for quite a while but when he finally hit the ground, he's panic kicks in.

"Wh- Where am I? What Happened!" Midoriya started panicking and looking around

Midoriya was in a room with some couches. There where a few people he didn't recognize, Kai was also on the ground right next to him.

"It seems that someone tipped of the hero's..." Kai said finally standing up venom and anger seeping from him

"...What do you mean?! Why where the hero's attacking??!?" Midoriya was going to play dumb so as to not raise suspicion, even in moment like this he surprised himself for staying in character

"Oh well Midoriya, remember what I told you about my job?" Kai looked at him

"I don't! you never told me! You said I...would...find out.... ARE YOU A VILLAIN?!?!" Midoriya expressed surprise and mixed it with a bit of fright not that he wasn't scared shitless at that very moment, so he wasn't completely acting

"Yes Midoriya I am and now that you know we can't let you leave" Kai announced

Midoriya knew this would probably happened and he could have prevented it, but he felt that playing to dumb would be suspicious, so he would act like he just found out that Kai Chisaki was a villain.

"Someone take him to a cell, I need to investigate what happened" kai said walking away

"WAIT NO!! WHATS GOING ON!!! KAI!!" Midoriya shouted as he was dragged away
Midoriya was thrown in a dark room, he could barely see anything but then, he herd a shy "hello..." coming from somewhere in the room. It sounded kinda like a child?? No definitely not a child more like a teenager?? But it was so low and the voice sounded kinda scared?

"Oh umm hello... where are you?" Midoriya stood up from the floor and started looking around

From the shadows a teenage looking girl arose, with a now lit candle. "Hello..."

"Are you here to take more samples?" The girl asked lifting up both of her arms really quick

"W-what? NO!" Midoriya said in a panick at the weird behavior

"Alright..."the girl said with a dry tone, then she sat down on a bed that was next to her

The silence was disturbing to say the least. Midoriya took the moment to analyze his surroundings and the girl in more detail. They where both in a small bedroom?? It had a bed and lot's of toys, it didn't have any light or light switches around, the only source of light was the candle she was holding. The girl had very short hair, it looked as if it was recently cut, she had a medical robe, the ones they give you at hospitals. Was she sick? She also had Many bandage, they covered her arms and legs, neck and even covered one of her eyes. And on her forehead was a long horn.

"What's you're name?" Midoriya asked to quiet the ringing in his ear from the intense silence

"...Eri" she responded

"How long have you been here Eri?" Midoriya asked with a more sweet tone

"...Since I have memory" the girl responded with the same dry tone from before

Midoriya was stunt at the answer, if this girl had been here all her life who couldn't say he would as well. The atmosphere in the room seemed now more silent than before...


Bakugo kneeled on the ground where ones there was a hole in witch he saw his childhood friend fall in.

From a far an excited Kirishima ran towards him.

"BAKUBRO!! YOU WONT BELIEVE THIS!!" Kirishima started screaming excitedly


"Thanks to your suggestion of removing all the citizens no civilian got hurt in any of the major fights!!" Kirishima continued

"Oh! By the way where is Midoriya man? Did they get overhaul? Or did he ran away?" Kirishima finally finished by touching Bakugo's shoulder

But Bakugo didn't respond. Kirishima at this finally realized that his friend was kneeling on the ground, but why? He turned Bakugo around only to see something he thought he would never see. Bakugo was crying!?.

"T-the-ey t-took h-him....THEY TOOK HIM!!!!" Bakugo screamed


"AND I!!...I...I-I didn't get to him in time..." then Bakugo broke down on Kirishima's arms

"Ba-....I'll be alright man w-we will find him...will-" Kirishima was interrupted



".... wait..Bakugo-"




"He still has the tracker!" Kirishima finally said

"Hello there Izuku..." Kai said rather cheery

Are you here to ruin me again? (A stripper Deku x hero Bakugo story)Where stories live. Discover now