7 - ice cream

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Just as I watched the sun go down last night, I watch it slowly rise now, filling my room with rays of gold. Although I haven't slept since yesterday, I am wide awake. My laptop is charging on my desk, but I continue scrolling through my phone. My alarm goes off beside me, suddenly snapping me out of my trance. I set my phone down and turn off the alarm, stunned by the numbers that read 7:00. No way I've been scouring the internet for ten hours.

I force myself to get out of bed and into the shower. Slowly, I wash my hair, brush my teeth, and get dressed for the day. Surely I should feel overwhelmingly tired, but somehow I'm more energized than I've been in a long time. I need to do something-- anything.

Quickly, I dial Samantha's number on my phone. She picks up on the second ring. "Good morning!" she says immediately.

"Hey, wanna grab coffee today? I need something to do."

"Sure. We can go right now if you want. Church doesn't start until eleven."

"Okay perfect. I'll meet you there." Within 10 minutes, I've arrived at Barnie's Coffee & Tea where we always go to hang out. Samantha is already there, sitting at a table in the back corner, sipping on a mug of steamy liquid. 

She waves me over as soon as I walk in. The barista smiles at me, already starting my drink. "Hey! Good morning again," Samantha says as I sit down across from her. "You look like shit."

"Thanks. You're too kind," I say in a monotone voice. She laughs and leans back in her seat.

"No, seriously, what's up? You look like you haven't slept in days."

"Not days, but I have been up since yesterday morning. That's kinda why I wanted to meet."

"Oh no. What happened. Are you okay?" She sits up in her chair again, suddenly alert.

"I'm okay. I just- I know something I'm not supposed to know." She starts to say something, but is interrupted by the barista, Riley, bringing me a drink.

"Oh jeez, y/n. You look dead. You good?" I roll my eyes at her and she laughs. "Fine, fine. Don't tell me. Hopefully that expresso will wake you up."

"Thank you, Riley. I'll let you know when it kicks in." She smiles and returns to the coffee bar. Samantha gives me an expecting look as I take a sip if the burning coffee. "Okay, so you know Clay."

"I know what you've told me of Clay."

"Right. That's what I mean. Well, I told you about the mystery of what he does for work?" She nods. "I think I found out last night. And now I understand why I wasn't supposed to know."

"What is he like a Russian spy or something?" she whispers, leaning forward on the table. I shake my head and lean forward too.

"He's a youtuber." Samantha's face drops in disappointment. 

"Seriously? That's it? He's just embarrassed that he doesn't have a real job?"

"No, dude. You don't understand. He almost has 30 million subscribers. He's like one of the most well know gaming youtubers in the world."

"Gaming? You don't ever play videogames, babe. Or watch YouTube. Besides, if he's so popular, why couldn't you know what he did? And why is it so bad that you know it know."

I sigh, frustrated that she isn't understanding the gravity of the situation. "He's faceless online. No one knows who he really is and only his closest friends have even seen his face. And now I know. And I'm pretty sure the guy he lives with is one of his YouTube friends too."

"Okay, okay I guess I understand a little bit more now. What are you gonna do?"

"I have no clue. I guess it just depends if we hang out again or not."

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