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"Tanji what is i-"

(Gets interupted by a kiss)


(Breaks the kiss)

"Tanjiro what's wrong with you,we're next door to shinobu-chan"

"I'm sorry,I just got carried away"

"No it's fine"


"...Hey tanji,can i kiss you.."

"Well...yeah I gue-"


(Tanjiro takes over the kiss and pins koru to the wall)

(Koru softly moans)

(Tanj breaks the kiss)

"(Whispers)can we..maybe try to go further"

"Fine,just this time"


...........And you can imagine the rest!

OK ok I'll continue the scene...


(They get undressed,start....well you know what I mean)

"Hey sashi let's take it slow for now,ok?"


(Tanjiro starts kissing down koru's neck,as he's doing that koru moves her hands from his chest to his thighs them they start stroking his cock slowly)

"Mmm,sashi where are your hands wondering to,hmm?"

(Tanjiro stares down at you,as you stare back at him)

(You finally found his cock)"mmm, your a naughty girl aren't you..."

"Yea,i've been really naughty"

(After they finish)....

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