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You woke up in a very unusual state. Instead of the aggressive phone-throwing ritual you partake in every morning, you wake up to the sweet calls of birds and the buzzing of bugs. The morning chill brushed over you but refusing to give in to Mother Nature's morning call, you curl up to keep warm.
As you lay curled up on the forest floor, your brain began to shuffle through ideas and memories that would get you up. And it was either fantastically successful or embarrassingly traumatic.

'If I'm in this world with the Demonic Grandmaster, how on earth do I meet him in a state like this?'

'Do I walk up to him? Do I try to impress him?'

'How do I impress a demonic grandmaster?'


You sat up with wide eyes and a rush of excitement flowed through your veins, "Cultivation!"

You shuffle your body to a comfortable cross-legged position before trying to calm your mind, 'Okay, so is cultivation like hardcore meditation? Or maybe it's like that anime... Either way, be as cool and calm as the water in the river beside me.'

'Cool and calm..'



'What the fuc-'

Your eyes snap open, you glance around in different directions trying to see where the sound came from. Only for the sound of a gentle rain falling back into a field of water, then your eyes flicked over to the river that resided just a few meters away. Peeking over the large root that stuck out from the ground, nothing caught your eyes.
You decided to stand up and creep over to the river on high alert, the water explosion wasn't too close to you and thankfully a good fair distance. Even with the excessive looking over the next five minutes, you started to look a bit silly and soon relaxed.

'Maybe I am just on edge...' You began to walk back, 'Pfft, fuck you brain. I know I heard that, I am not hallucinating.'

Even with those thoughts still lingering of what the sound could have possibly been, you decided to brush it off. Returning to your cross-legged position, you began to calm your mind once more, a few moments passed and the chirping of birds grew silent. Oddly enough, it felt like the world's volume switched completely off.
Curiosity filled your mind and you peeked at the world through one eye. It was almost instantly when both eyes were completely open in awe, you were in a dark void once again. However, this time, the billions of scattered stars from last night had accompanied you.

You slowly stood up taking in the beauty of this place. It didn't make you have an inner monologue of your cringy and disgusting secrets, but instead, it made you feel almost comforted. Taking your first step forth, the floor rippled the reflection of the stars above, you paid no mind to this and continued further in.
A large rectangular screen appeared a few meters in front of you, it felt out of place. The screen looked holographic and was that infamous 'electric blue', you almost couldn't bear to hear the name of that colour.

Mo Dao Zu Shi | The Untamed - Male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now