Birthday girl

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Harley woke up to a pleasant smell of pancakes being wafted under her nose "morning birthday girl" Itchi whispered "mmm hmmm" Harley rubbed her nose and looked up from her pillow "pancakes?" She slowly sneaked her hand out of the duvet and stole a bit of topping "mmm with squirty cream? Is it someone's birthday?!" She beamed as she sat and and rubbed her eyes, stretching until she felt a pleasant pop in her back "HAPPY BIRTDAY!!!" The room cheered, Ellie, Itchi, Alex, and the twins stood there pulling party poppers which covered her in confetti "come on! Big day planned today!" Ellie beamed as she threw her dressing gown at Harley "I'm coming" she yawned as she got out of bed and walked downstairs.

The room had been decorated with balloons, banners and every colour streamer known to man "come on, presents are ready for you" Itchi smiled as he walked behind her, before she sat down he pulled her into a hug "my big girl is growing up...what happened to my little girl who used to sit on my shoulders?!" "She's still here, and she could still fit on your shoulders if you let her" she grinned cheekily at him as he sat down next to her, "okay I'll have the purple one first" she smiled as Alex handed it to her.

An hour later there was one box left "I've been so spoilt, thank you so so much" Harley beamed at everyone "there's one more...this is from me" Alex handed her the small black box, she took it from him slowly and opened the lid " a car!!!?" "Go and have a look" she looked at Ellie and Itchi before walking out to the door and here eyes widened, there was the Chevy Impala with a few balloons stuck in the door "oh my god are you serious?!" She ran to the driver side and got in, feeling the wheel, the leather seats "now...there's one more surprise" Itchi leant on the door "what else could there possibly be?!" He chuckled as he looked at her "in the show...where does Dean keep all his things" "Dean doesn't have "things" not really" "for god sake, where does he keep his thing she has then" "drop down?" Itchi nodded once as she opened it up, and there was a bright pink envelope.

She sat and looked at it "what's in it?" "A bomb..." Alex rolled his eyes as she tutted and opened it, as soon as she opened the last bit it began to ring "holy crap!" He dropped the phone from the envelope onto her lap "answer it then!" "I don't know who it is!" "Harley answer it." Itchi folded his arms "hello?" She said before it rang off 'hey is this Harley?' Her eyes widened as she recognised the voice straight away 'you still there, this is Harley right I'd hate to get the wrong number?' "Uh huh" she squeaked as Alex and Itchi burst into hysterics 'so err..Harley, we've been told about your slight obsession with us, and we wondered if you'd like to come down to America to shoot a scene with us?' There was a pause as she swallowed "uh huh!!!!" She said excitedly, unable to speak 'right well! We shall see you next week then! By Harley' "buh...bye j...Jensen..a..ackles" she took the phone from her ear and screamed, loudly.

"Here are the plane tickets, we are all coming" Itchi grinned at her "how did you!?" "It's all thanks to Alex" she turned to him "how?" "I know people, and we've actually been friends for a while, I've done a few stunts for him in the past" Harley got out the car and hugged him tightly, before running to her mum and dad and hugging them tighter.

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