First day at work

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Ellie was sat at the table at itchy's house, half asleep, she wasn't used to getting up so early for work, Itchy walked in just as she had put her dish away, 'you look lovely' he smiled at her as he pulled her in a kissed her passionately. 'Want me to give you a lift into work?' He looked at her as he grabbed his keys 'would you?' She looked at him with hopeful eyes 'well it's kinda on the way so sure' he chuckled. She pulled her shoes on quickly. And they both ran out to the car.

As he pulled up outside she leant in and kissed his cheek 'thank you' she smiled as she stepped out of the car 'ill call in later!' He shouted through the window as he drove off. Ellie took a big breath held her head up high and headed for the door, 'good timing' Madi shouted from her car, she ran up and linked Ellie's arm, 'I assume last night was good?' She grinned at her causing Ellie to blush 'it was good' 'that's all you're giving me!? It was good' she laughed as they walked inside. 'Hello ladies ready for work?' George smiled as he was wiping the side, 'yep ready as ever' Ellie smiled nervously, 'right I asked you to come in this early so you can learn a few things' he handed Ellie a pint glass as well as Madi 'right to pull a pint you do this' he showed them both and then let them have a go, Ellie got it straight away, Madi took a fe more attempts to get it. He showed them few more tricks and how to serve other things when the first customer came in, George looked at Ellie 'first customer' he stepped to the side. Ellie lifted her head, straightened her shirt and walked over 'hey what can I get you?' She smiled with confidence 'ill have a pint and a bag of crisps' the man smiled at her she nodded, pulled his pint and gave him the bag of crisps, the man handed of the money and Ellie put it in the till. 'Well done, you're a natural' George grinned rubbing her back.

The day continued, a few more customers came in Madi served a few and got a lot better at pulling a pint. It turned 7.30 and all of a sudden the pub got packed obviously from the people who had finished work. Then itchy walked in with a few more lifeguards. 'Hello you' he leant over the bar and gave Ellie a quick kiss, she looked at the other lads who were all smiling at her 'Ellie this Is Whippet, Beardy, Maxi and Jesse, guys this is Ellie' they all hugged her over the bar 'so you're Ellie' Whippet smiled at her. 'That sounds ominous' she laughed 'oh no all good!!' Reidy laughed 'somewhat can I get you?' She smiled 'just four pints and that'll do us for now' Itchy grinned, 'ill bring them over' she laughed as they all walked away to a table. George came out 'how's everything going?' He laughed as he watched Ellie pull the third pint 'it's going great, no accidents yet' she smiled as she began to fourth. George smiled as he walked into the back room, 'maid chuck us a pack of nuts' Madi reached into the box and pulled out a bag chucking it to Ellie who then put them on the tray.

'She's gorgeous mate' Reidy looked at Itchy who was watching Ellie's every move 'who's her friend?' maxi leaned in watching Madi, 'she's called Madi' he turned to him smiling 'oh okay' Maxi sat back. Ellie came over with the tray and the small bag of nuts 'here you go lads' she grinned placing them one down at a time on a mat 'hey Ellie' Maxi sat up 'yeah?' He spun back round to face him 'err Madi, your friend' she looked at itchy quickly 'yes she's single' Ellie walked away and went to Madi 'you have an admirer' she whispered Madi 's cheeks blushed pink, Ellie pointed subtly over to maxi who was trying his best not to make it obvious he was looking at her. 'Hey he's cute' she smiled 'go and give him your number' Ellie giggled as she grabbed a cloth and began to wipe the side of the bar. Madi walked over slowly and sat down next to him, she was on a break so she wouldn't get into trouble with the boss, Ellie watched as Maxi took out his phone and added her number, Ellie put away the cloth when she heard a gunshot. Everyone screamed as a man wearing a black hooded jumper walked in with a big shotgun. Ellie looked around as the man came to the bar 'give me everything!' He demanded, his eyes were evil, he had an evil look in them that sent shivers down her spine, Ellie looked at the till and walked over 'QUICKER!' He demanded, Ellie shrieked as tears came to her eyes she grabbed all the notes from the draw and handed them over her hands shaking violently, the man grabbed it from her, his hands covered in blood 'CHEERS!' He sneered at her, then you could hear police sirens outside 'WHO CALLED THE FUCKING POLICE!?' The man spat, and shot the gun again hitting the back wall sending drinks and glass flying everywhere, it missed Ellie by a few inches, but it covered her in glass shards 'GO AND LOCK THAT DOOR' he grabbed Ellie by the arm and pushed her forward, she fumbled for the keys and locked the front door quickly, She walked back in, and the man shoved her to the floor with the others. Itchy wrapped his arms around her.

'Come on now Sam, you don't want to do this' you heard the police from the outside, 'YOU AND YOU! He pointed to two women in the corner 'GET OUT!' He made them stand up and walk to the door 'OPEN THE DOOR!' He shouted at Ellie, she stood up and let them out, then she tried to run 'I don't think so!' He spat as he grabbed her shirt and pulled her backwards, she hit her head on the corner of the chair, but Sam grabbed her again and shoved her back to the lads, 'you're okay' itchy whispered as he placed his hand on her head firmly 'there's only a little blood' he said trying to reassure her 'look mate let me get the first aid kit' George stood up and walked to the bar but Sam hit him around the head hard with the end of the gun sending him crashing down to the floor. 'George!!' Madi screamed 'SHUT UP!' He spat at them again. There were nine people left in the pub, the five lifeguards, Ellie, Madi and a young couple. Maxi had a tight grip on Madi who was crying, Itchy had Ellie and maxi and Beardy was sat next to Jesse. Everyone was sat on the floor whilst Sam was looking out of the window. 'Im going to get the gun' Jesse whispered to us 'don't be stupid' Beardy snapped, but Jesse was stood up already, he walked up quietly behind him and tried to snatch the gun, Sam spun around and tried to take it back, they were both struggling with the gun, pulling it backwards and forwards between them. Jesse threw a punch which sent Sam to his knees, as he hit the floor he shot the gun, everyone screamed and looked around to see where it was aimed, everyone was still sat on the floor, suddenly Ellie fell to the left.

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