Hot sweaty mess

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Alex stood at the bar, third pint of beer in hand, his shirt unbuttoned, his hair a mess where he'd ran his fingers through it countless times, his eyes red, "you okay?" "Pre barman asked him "Fine...thanks..." "Look, Harley, she's a girl that, needs to make her mistakes before she realises what's right for her" the barman wiped the side "yeah...I know, I guess Tristan is right with his tirty tree and a turd, and top of the morning to ya" he mimicked the Irish accent "look, ask anyone around here, you're the right one, Tristan is an Irish lad who thinks he has eveything-" "that's because he does have everything....he has the singing voice, the looks-" "he has the personality of a wet mop" the barman looked at Alex with raised eyebrows "look, she's probably on her way to Ireland right now, not giving me a second thought!" Alex sighed into his beer "or maybe, she could be stood right behind you, looking like a sweaty mess" Alex shook his head in disagreement and finished the beer.

Harley stood there behind him, breathlessly, looking like a woman on a mission as she spotted her man, stood at the bar alone  "Jack Daniels no ice, triple shot" she nodded at the barman who smiled widely at her "Harley what? What are you doing here?" Alex stood up and sorted his shirt out, sorted out his hair and looked at her "told you so" the barman raised his eyes at her, "my god I'm so hot!" She grabbed a serviette and dabbed her forehead and chest "I don't want the Irish charm" she flattened her curls slightly "the irish accent however yeh's hot, but" she downed the Jack Daniels and ordered another "I want my soldier, the one who's been there for me in every rough time I can possibly think of, the one I can get lost with...I want you" "you sure?" "Yes! I have never been more sur-" he crushed his lips to hers, deepening the kiss instantly, Harley pulled back "does that mean you'll take me back?" "Shut up" he grabbed her face and kissed her again.

The following morning

Harley took in a long breath as she opened her eyes, expecting to see Alex, his side of the bed was empty, she sat up straight, "Alex?" Her heart sank, she grabbed a shirt of his, buttoned it up and walked downstairs, to Alex in the kitchen, shaking his bum to bewitched "and here's me thinking you had second thoughts?" She beamed at him as the music went off quickly, "how long you been stood there?" "Long enough" she clocked the food in his hand "I hope you're hungry" "starved!" "good" he nodded ad he motioned to the table, that he'd set up with orange and a single white rose, she sat down, her leg up to her China's she watched Alex serve the piping hot pancakes, dissolves with Nutella and freshly cut strawberries "you not eating?" "I grabbed a pastry earlier" "time you get up?" Harley stabbed a strawberry with her fork and ate it, the fresh fruit melting in her mouth "early enough to go to the store, buy those strawberries and pick up this" he stood up as Harley took a mouthful of food and got down on one knee "oh my god" she gasped through pancake as she held her mouth in shock "Harley, I-" "yes! Yes yes yes!" She cupped his face and kissed him "well that was easier than I thought" he took the ring and place it on her finger, she brought it closer to admire it "I've never seen anything like this before!" "You won't have I designed it" she looked at him impressed, It was a beautiful ring, with a white sapphire in the centre with a butterfly each side and a flower below them, all joined together by a thin silver band.

They were both sat watching tv, reruns of F.R.I.E.N.D.S when Alex pulled her in "Sorry the house is cold, the heating is still broken" he rubbed her arms as he pulled the blankets and hot water bottles in closer "are you kidding I love coming around here! snuggling in the blankets together with candles and hot water bottles!" She nuzzled his neck "how about you stop coming round?" "What?" She sat up quickly "Instead of coming round why not wake up here everyday" "are you asking me to move in" "yeah...if you want..." "of course I want! Oh my god! This is amazing!" She hugged him tightly "I thought tomorrow we could decorate the place, make it more homely" "sounds great!" "Great!" He breathed a sigh of relief.

That night in bed Harley wrapped her leg over Alex's "hey....can we get a dog?" "A dog?" " doesn't have to be a big one..." "Sounds awesome, we can do that too tomorrow if you'd like?" She nodded as she yawned loudly "I'm so tired" "it's been a long weekend" he didn't get a reply, Harley was fast asleep snuggled into his chest, breathing gently across his chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2015 ⏰

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