True best friend

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*3 months later*

Ellie's photography was blooming, she had her regular customers, she was making a decent income, however, Ellie was now most popular for being the fiancé of Itchi from Bondi Rescue, most of the guys had a team page on twitter, Instagram and facebook, Ellie now had her own growing fanbase, fans from around the world were following her work, her life, she was beginning to become quite the well known woman.

"See you tonight yeah?" Itchi kissed her softly on the lips "yep! Although I might come down to the each this afternoon,matter I call in Madi, haven't seen her for two months or so" Itchi looked at Ellie, like he knew something she didn't, "what? That a problem?" "Nooo no...just give her a ring first yeah? Hey you still like your tattoo?" Ellie had decided to have a dandelion on her left wrist, with the seeds blowing away in to her right wrist turning into birds, it covered her scars brilliantly "yeah I love it!" "Right well, I'm off see ya later" he kissed her again and walked out the door.

Ellie quickly grabbed the phone and dialled Madi "hey!!!!!" She said excitedly she heard Madi yawn before answering "hey" "I thought about calling over later?!" "Oh erm...I'm busy later today" "oh...okay?" Ellie frowned to herself "well, I haven't seen you for a few months wanna go out for a drink tonight?" "Erm, maxi...he's taking me out tonight" she sounded tired, "oh! Alright, well call me when your schedule isn't as busy" Ellie laughed to herself trying to sound light hearted "will do, see you soon" Madi hung up the phone, Ellie sighed and went upstairs to get dressed she was going to see Madi that day regardless if she was 'busy'.

Ellie pulled up outside, checked her hair and makeup in the mirror before getting out excitedly with a box of chocolates and a bottle of bubbly and walked quickly to the door, she knocked 3 times in a tune and waited with a smile. Madi opened the door, Ellie dropped the bottle of bubble sending glass and champagne across the Tarmac as she grasped her mouth with her hand, "I told you I was busy!" Madi gasped, tears began to drip down Ellie's cheeks, "come in quick!" Madi ran inside, Ellie stood there for a second before walking in, shutting the door behind her.

Madi was stood in the living room looking down at the floor, "Madi? W...what happened?" Ellie walked towards her but Madi stepped back "I'm hideous" Madi began to sob into her hands, refusing to look at Ellie, "Madi!" She grabbed hold of her wrists and pulled her had a way from her face "what's happened?" Ellie asked her again, her cheeks wet with salty tears "cancer happened....chemotherapy happened" Madi looked up at Ellie " cancer?! How long!!" "A few months ago..they say my hair will grow back, but until then I've been hiding in here" "why didn't you tell me?!" "I didn't want to upset you" then it suddenly clicked "how did Itchi know?" "Maxi has been getting support from him" "and who have you been getting support from?" Madi shrugged "maxi has been pretty good" Ellie pulled her into a hug, "you're not going through this on your own, let's go out!" "No!" "What if I shaved my hair so you weren't alone?" Madi looked up and smiled as she took a bit of Ellie's long shiny straight hair, "no.....I don't want you too".

Ellie ran upstairs and locked herself in their bedroom, and started to search for some hair shavers. "ELLIE! Don't do this!!" Madi began to bang on the door "I'm doing this so you don't go through this alone!" She opened the wardrobe and found a box, she plugged it in and stood in front if the mirror. "Ellie please let me in!" Ellie looked at her reflection, the clippers in her hand, she turned them on, the buzzing sound made Madi bang harder on the door, "ELLIE!" She looked at the door, before running the clippers through her hair, she caught some hair in her shaking left hand and looked up at the mirror, small pools of tears were in her eyes, slowly dropping as she ran the clippers through her hair, over and over again until it had all gone, just piles of hair around her in the floor, she finally understood how Madi felt, Ellie wasn't completely bald, but her hair had all gone, she out the clippers down, wiped her eyes and opened the door to find Madi on her knees, Madi looked at and gasped as she saw her.

"I can't believe you'd do that for me" "we .....we are going to the beach, the stuff is in the car okay?" Madi looked at her before nodding, but! Let's get glammed up, sexy makeup the lot, let's look gorgoues" Ellie smiled as she went In to their room, Madi sat down as Ellie began to apply makeup, making her green eyes pop with mascara and eye liner, giving her a pale pink lipstick to go with it, maid gave Ellie a smokey eye effect her blue eyes stood out, she painted her lips with a clear lip gloss, they out on their best bikinis, Madi had a bright pink with black buttons bikini, Ellie had a leopard print costume with the middle cut out showing her navel bar and the side and back cut away, they both looked stunning. Madi grabbed a scarf and began to wrap it around her head "no" Ellie took it from her "let's be brave!" Madi hugged her tightly.

They drove to the beach and both sat there in the car, "you ready?" Ellie looked at Madi "as I'll ever be!" They both got out and headed towards the tower, Ellie knocked on the door and linked arms with Madi, whippet answered "can I help....oh my god!" He looked at them both wide eyed, "come in!!!" He stepped to the side and let them walk in, "errr Itchi....mate" whip tapped him on the shoulder Itchi turned around and gasped as he saw Ellie "Ellie?" Her heart began to race, had she just done something stupid by cutting all her hair off, but she did it for Madi "you look gorgeous" he walked upto her and wrapped his arms around her, Maxi came over to Madi and took her off somewhere "why?" He pulled back "because she's a true best friend" Madi smiled as she came back in with maxi on her arm "you both...both look amazing".

They both waited until the lads had finished work before driving back home "what about we go out tonight? Let us show you off" Itchi smiled, Ellie turned to Madi who nodded, they went back home to get changed. Ellie touched up on her makeup adding more lip gloss, more mascara, she had a white blanket wrapped around her as she sat looking at her reflection. She got up and put on some nice underwear, and stood in their window, the thin white curtains blowing In the cooling breeze she stood in the window, no one could see her she was free to wear what she wanted and stand in the window, she could see the sun setting the colours warming up the ever darkening sky, what she didn't see was Itchi snapping photos of her with the camera, "I'm so lucky" he sighed with content, she spun around and looked at him, he slid his hand to her waist and pulled her in close "let me look at the photos that you're about to delete" "I'm not deleting them I'm going To make them into a canvas" he turned the camera to show her "what you did today, make you the most wonderful person I have ever known" "hardly you save lives for a living!" "But you didn't have to shave your head, you were so proud of your hair, and you cut it all off so your friend felt better about herself" Ellie looked at the camera, she had the perfect figure, you could see the material that gathered at her hips, her earrings, different length chains with feathers on each end were crisp clear in the silhouette. "See, you look stunning" he kissed her head as she crumpled into his chest.

When they arrived at the restaurant they were seated near the youngish couples, already through their meal Ellie overheard their conversations "such a shame they've lost their hair, they would've been so beautiful" Ellie looked at Itchi "actually, we shaved our heads to support those unfortunate women with cancer!" She snapped "oh oh we erm " "actually, I have cancer, she cut her hair to support me" the couple looked sheepish as they continued with their meal.

When they arrived back home Itchi carried Ellie upstairs "you look stunning, don't let anyone tell you any different!" He threw her into the bed "whoaa!" "Sorry that was unnecessary" he pulled her up before swinging her around and pulling her onto the bed again, Ellie flopped backwards into the cushioned duvet, Itchi climbed on top of her, "I love you" he kissed her nose "I love you too" he began to plant gentle kisses along her jawline...

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