Chapter 1 - Discovery

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Working for the Ministry as a special unit was... Grueling, dangerous and foolish. You didnť want to get this promotion. In fact, you were happy with your work as an Auror.

While studying in Hogwarts, you especially tried to get the best grades in order to get the job you so desperately wanted. And you did. Yes, Aurors workday was dangerous, but at the same time exciting. You knew that every capture of a criminal meant another innocent life saved. Every injury and absence of private life was worth it.

But this? This was ridiculous. As a Special Auror Unit (abbreviated SAU) you were tasked with the worst of the wizarding hell and turd. Every second you survived was a pleasure that became a rarity. Team work? Does not exist. Backup? You can only dream about it. Day off? You so desperately wish.

In the dark, dirty street of Diagon alley resonated a loud whack! If a Muggle had a chance to ever get to Diagon alley, he would think that a bunch of teenagers were throwing firecrackers under their feet. However, it was clear to every wizard that someone had just appareted.

The dirty street was dimly lit by a few flashing lamps, casting long shadows of buildings on the stony path. The lights in the houses around you were long off, thus no one unwanted could see the man who appeared in the shadow of one of the lamps shortly after.

He was tall and stout, dressed in a dark robe, his face hidden under a deep hood. He calmly strode toward you. With each step, he radiated a dark and gloomy aura - a clear sign of escape for anyone who was unlucky to face him. Not that he'd let anyone run away.

"You have a new task." He said simply and handed you a brown envelope full of informations about your next "task". On simpler missions, the envelope contained several papers - clear evidence that we had enough information to make it not a deadly mission. But this one contained a single piece of paper. Which means one thing: we know nothing, making it a high possibility of not surviving for the agent.


Target: an animagus hybrid - half human, half eagle

Level of danger: XXXXX

Classification: a gigantic humanoid creature capable of human speech, who can kill people in seconds

Goal: kill


"Incendio." You whisper and watch the paper in your hand turn to dust. Never, under any circumstances, could you leave anything to incriminate you from accepting any mission. There wasn't even a record of you being a member of the SAU. After all, SAU is just a legend.

"Daily reports." Man's hoarse voice ordered you. You could feel a stream of icy sweat running down your back. They only require daily reports in cases where they expect the authorized agent to die at any time. If the report doesn't get through they knows they can send another one to finish the job.

"How much time do I have?" You ask and tuck your wand back into your robe. "As much as you need." The answer is austere, but sufficient. You nod your head in understanding and in the next second you watch the man disappear again.

Your conversations with him were never long. He always gave you information about your next mission, and when he was done, he disappeared. You knew he worked in your field much longer than you, but you didn't know anything more. In fact, for your own safety, you didn't want to know anything more.

You sighed heavily and went to the inn where you were staying temporarily. You have decided to sleep for a few more hours before setting out on a hunt for a creature identified as the most dangerous one. Five Xs means "Known wizard killer/impossible to domesticate".

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