Chapter 5 - Spinning webs

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With this chapter we are entering the last quarter of this story! I assume I will finish this story in the next 3 or 4 chapters.


"Can't you stay a little longer?" Talbott pouted his lips at you like a little kid for the upteenth time. He's been doing this for the last five minutes when you told him you had to leave for today. He looked annoyingly cute and you had to laugh a bit at seeing this side of him.

After he shared his story with you, you both went back to his house, hand in hand with the friendly silence being your never leaving guide. It seemed to you that the barriers between you and Talbott had completely subsided. He expressed his feelings and thoughts much more - yet a distinctive red spread across his cheeks as he asked you to fall asleep with him.

"Are... Are you sure?" Was your uneasy question for reassurance. His response was rather unpredictable; he came to you and stroked your cheek with the greatest tenderness and fondness in his eyes that you could have easily mistaken for love. "Yes. Right now I want to be with you more than anything in the world. I never felt so sure about anything more than about this right now." His other hand gently stroked your hair, and you couldn't take your eyes off his. He closed the distance between the two of you as if he was about to kiss you and a sigh of anticipation left your lips.

However, instead of leaning more in, he gently clasped your hand in his and lead you to his bed. When did he become so bold?


Your heart pounded rapidly in your chest and you could feel how your hand started to sweat with nervousness. Even if Talbott noticed, he didn't show anything and just lay down on his bed. He made room for you and waited for you to join him. With a hint of hesitation that someone could have confused with a silent refusal, you sat on the edge of the mattress. You could feel the heat overwhelming you at the thoughts of what might happen tonight.

You lay down as far away from Talbott as you could, turning your back on him. "Hmpf..." The low sound of dissatisfaction left Talbott's mouth. Were you not comfortable with him being this close to you? He thought he showed enough affection that he felt towards you and the fact that you never rejected him gave him courage. Was today just a demonstration of your goodness to others? Did he think in vain that there was anything more to it?

Despite all the doubts that surfaced in him again, he did not intend to give up. He wasn't going to give you up. He gently pulled you closer to his body with his hand and was pleased to find that you didn't resist him. On the contrary, you even snuggled closer to him. He felt something predatory awaken in him as your bottom rubbed against his lap in an effort to find a more comfortable position. Was this a good idea? Will he even be able to fall asleep so close to you? At first he thought so, but now he wasn't so sure...

His strong arm wrapped around your waist and he buried his face in your curls, gently soaking up your intoxicating scent. One of his wings covered you, and when you felt its delicate structure on your skin, you found out that this was what you felt the first night.

"Did you use your wing as my blanket the first night we met?" You whispered your question into the night, waiting for his answer with a sudden dry throat. "Yes." Was his simple answer. His breath tickled the back of your neck, and a tingle visibly ran through your body. "Are you cold?" He asked you with visible concern in his voice and pulled you even closer to his hot body. Upon close contact with his naked, elaborate chest, you shook again at the thought of what might happen next.

"No. It's just that..." You shut up and run your tongue over your dry lips, thinking about what to say. "That's what you do to me. My body responds to what you do." You reluctantly admit and hide your face in a pillow in a fit of shame. You were glad you didn't face him now because he'd see how much you were blushing. He would see how insane he drives you.

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