The forest (part 3)

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Warning(s): alcohol usage
"I swear she was all over him in history, what a-".

The shrill voices of powder-faced girls fill my ears. 'I am surrounded by the biggest self-centered assholes in school,' I tell myself with fake astonishment, aimlessly shoveling greasy french-fries in my mouth. I rise from my seat, wedged between smells of perspiration and cheap perfume to cover up the scent of cigarettes.

"Where are you going, Dannn?" the girls say simultaneously, purposely stretching out the N and, in the process, driving me crazy. I just give them the classic Howell-smirk and head off to my locker, rolling my eyes as their swoons fill the cafeteria.

I am given various nods and calls as I make my way down the hall. I feel so fraudulent, waving to these people who barely know me. When I arrive at my locker I fish out my bag and head straight for the parking lot. I receive more high fives and hollers as I pass the school gates. 'They don't know,' I laugh to myself, unlocking the car's front door.

When I am safely inside my bashed Jeep Cherokee, the first thing I do is take out my flask and drink. The burning sensation of the Jack Daniels' fills my throat but after the first few times the taste feels like home. Not the home of tears and forgotten childhood dreams, but an alternate home of warm hugs and encouragement. I take a few more swigs until my memories slip from my mind like soap suds.

I look into the rearview mirror and laugh at my drunken image. I wonder how I could let myself end up like my father. Sure my softer features never matched up to his solid ones, but our actions were unmistakably the same.

'At least I cared about my mom. At least I stayed,' I think bitterly, slamming my fist on the steering wheel. The pain subsides. Again I look into the mirror and think of my father. I think that's the first time I've laughed in a while.

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