Drunken Words are Sober thoughts

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Summary: Dan and Phil are at a college party and Dan gets a little drunk
Warnings: Mentions of Alcohol
Phil's POV
"Chug Chug Chug!"
The shouts of College boys and, other activities, can be heard through the thin walls. I am sat on a filthy brown sofa that's littered with Red Solo cups; A drunken girl draped on my shoulder. Not the place I would want to spend my Saturday night, but Dan begged me to come. Where is Dan anyway? He told me he would stay with me.

* 1 hour earlier *
"Dan do we haaaaave to go?"
"Yes Phil we haaaave to." Dan mocked, chuckling as he grabbed the room keys. I pouted in defeat, trudging to the door.

"Dan, I'm not really... sociable. And you know I don't drink! What am I supposed to do there?"

"Phil... come onnnn! It's going to be no fun without you! Plus, if we go we could do something memorable! You know, we could be LEGENDS!"

Dan fist pumps the air, and I roll my eyes with a toothy grin plastered on my face.

He said he wants me there.
Butterflies erupted in my stomach. Dan and I have been... well I don't really know what Dan and I are. Friends with benefits? No, I don't think so. Whatever we are, my rosy cheeks are telling me that I want to be more.
*End of flashback*

The feeling of abandonment takes over my mind. Did Dan really want me here? Or did he want to get wasted and screw someone. Hot fiery anger burns my pale face as I shove the limp drunken girl from my shoulder; Pushing past the people scattered in the room, heading for the balcony. Fresh air, that ought to do it.

A wide love seat that smells of cigarette ashes is pushed up against the balcony wall. I take a seat and close my eyes. I wish to be anywhere. Anywhere but here.

"What's the matter Phillllllll?"
The slurred words of a well wasted Dan fill my ears and ring like a bell. He finally came back to me.

Although not in the state of mind I had hoped for.

"Nothing Dan. Go back inside or something, leave me alone."

"But Phiiiiiiilll! I like it better with yooooou." he says huskily, progressing towards me like a fire on dry grass.

His arms are now clung to my shoulders as he attempts to straddle me. My breathing hitched as his finger tips brush my cheeks; His alcohol drenched breath coming in contact with my neck. I don't know how to react, whether to trust my brain or my dick.

He is really drunk, and I am taking advantage of him, because here he is leaving slight love bites on my paper white skin.

I resist the urge to give in as his lips venture up my jaw line. I have to remind myself, this isn't really him. He's a sexual drunk, he has no idea what he's doing.

He is just playing a game with me. This is all fun and games to him...
The tears that I had built up for years, forbidding them to be seen by anyone, start to trickle from my eyes.

Dan stops, looking me down with concern. He tries to hold my face, but I swat his hands away.

"Phil, what happened?" He speaks breathily, puppy dog eyes gleaming in the moonlight.

Tears turn to rage. Pent up anger pumps adrenaline in my veins as I forcefully shove Dan off my lap.

I stand near the balcony railing, hands running forcefully through my hair. I know Dan is right behind me, but I still bury my face into my hands and sigh deeply.

"Did I say something wrong?" his voice rings, putting his warm arms around my body that is now growing cold.

"Everything. You did everything wrong. Why did you have to go and try to get in my pants? Why did you have to give me that feeling I get when you are so close but so far, and all I want to do is hold you? Why do you over power me, and give me this want that I can't have because you don't love me and because you are fucking drunk!?!?" I'm practically yelling out into the open, delivering my frustration like the clouds of warm air being delivered from my throat.

"But Philllll... I do love you." He whispered, caressing my cheek, leaving small pecks down it softly.

I don't know what to believe. He is definitely drunk. He probably can't even process where he is, let alone who I am.

But drunken words are sober thoughts...

" I really fucking hope this isn't the alcohol talking." I say, and I press my thin lips to Dan's plump ones.

We move in harmony.

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