The forest (part 1)

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Note: This is a story that I wrote last month for my writing assignment (Of course the names were different). I have had this plot for a phanfic like this for awhile, so I hope you like it! It will be about 4 or 5 parts just incase you wanted to know :P

Warning(s): None
The sun flashed in and out of the evergreens. The smell of wet dirt and wild flowers floated in the air. The forest held ponds clear as the mid-April sky. There were hollow tree trunks hiding mysteries. And animal tracks that told a story. Many secrets were yet to be sought out. The forest holds many things. Most of all, it holds memories. ______________________________________________________


The yells of pure merriment ring through my ears as I rush behind a scurrying Dan.

"Phil, Phil I found it!" He echoes, looking around at the grand sight in front of him.

I stop to catch my breath, my legs not yet strong enough to go such a long distance. Then I jog again to catch up with my brown-haired friend.

"Dan... This is amazing," I gape as I walk around what he calls his 'Top secret hiding place'.

It is a mountainous tree, slumped over just enough to climb with ease. At the bottom, a crystal clear pond with fish and scattered patches of vibrant flowers. At the top, a bird's eye view that makes you feel like you're on top of the world.

"Hurry up, slow poke!" Dan giggles, gripping at the rough bark and pulling his small body with him up the tree.

"My mom is going to be mad if we don't get back!" I yell up at him, annoyance smothering my words. I only receive a head wag of disapproval as Dan ventures farther into the tree branches. I take a deep breath before hoisting myself up. I catch a glimpse of him leaning between the dark tree branches. He looks so elegant and precious as the light perfectly silhouettes his face.

"Wait, stay right there!" I announce. I shovel through my pack to find my sketch book.

"What is it you egg?"

"Stay there!" I pester like a mother.

"Philllll," he whines.

I stick my tongue out as I attentively trace the sun's outline of his body.

"Let me see!" Dan says, grabbing at the book like a toddler. I hand it over, ready for judgment.

"Phil, it looks just like me!" He says in awe. I blush, quickly tucking the book in the fold of my bag.

"Although you forgot my extremely manly muscles," He says deeply as he flaunts his non-existent biceps. We both double over in laughter, tears escaping our eyes. We laugh until our sides hurt and until we can barely breathe.

A while later, Dan and I lean against the earthy brown branches of the tree. I peer into the shadowed pond below as little fish make turns and ripples in the water. I feel a gust of wind pick up and pull at my hair. I stand, raising my arms like Rose from The Titanic. I hum a little as I let the wind wash over my body.

"Hey there."

I yip, feeling Dan's arms tight around my waistline. He giggles at my response and tucks his chin in the crook of my neck. I relax, letting my body melt into his touch.

"I want to fly," I whisper, filling my lungs with the sweet scent of April daffodils.

"Me too," He sighs, his breath tickling my skin. I can feel heat rise to my cheeks and they turn a crimson red. My stomach does somersaults and my head pounds against my chest like an animal looking for escape. I know it sounds so cliché, but I can only describe the feeling as butterflies.

I have never experienced these rosy cheeks and sweaty palms. It's like his touch has activated something inside of me, the want to lean a little closer, stay a little longer. I don't know what this new feeling is, but I think I like it.

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