Chapter 10

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Frazzled, nervous, anxious and... excited?

What? Why am I feeling all these things? That too all of them together. Okay the first three I somewhat understand but why excited? I have no idea, yet I can feel that I am way too jittery right now even though I am lying down. Huh?

The last thing I remember is that everything went to black. I also remember thinking something is very, very wrong. So now why am I feeling all these things at the same time. And I am also lying down possibly on something soft. If I take a wild guess, I will say it is a mattress, which means I am lying on a bed. Not sure whose yet. It doesn't make sense.

Sighing. I look at the ceiling. Rather realize I have been staring blankly at it. Not realizing at all I have been staring at the answer to whose bed I am currently lying on. Now that I notice the painted galaxy  there, I do not think I can unsee it. Great! That's just great!

I know now what is happening but for some reason I cannot look away from the painted galaxy in the ceiling. I want to, I know I need to look at my hands and see myself in the mirror to confirm what I already know. Yet, I am unable to move my eyes for even one second. An invisible force is stopping me. Yeah right! As if that can be the case. But then again, I am assuming I am back at my parents' house in my childhood slash teenage bedroom, so anything is possible.

With that thought, I lift my left hand and bring it in front of my eyes to focus on it. It is blurry like I knew it would be, but my hand is also small. Again, like I knew it would be. Now it could be another redo of my life. But once is a coincidence twice means something else is happening. But before I can figure out what, the sound of my angry alarm clock breaks my trance and my eardrums at the same time. I wonder how I never realized it was this loud. Now why did I have this alarm clock, which can basically wake up the whole neighborhood, instead of using my cell phone like any other teenager I know? Weird.

Shushing the clock, by banging on it. I groan only to roll over a little.

"Alison wake up, you'll be late otherwise, and I know you do not want to be late today of all days." My mom shouts. Wait why is today important? Why can't I remember?

Probably because you just woke up and it is another timeline again.

Gee thanks brain for the input. I scoff rolling over again. Somehow, I drag my small body to the bathroom to freshen up. I quickly do my thing. Not sure why but the jittery feeling inside me is making me hurry up and is also making me nauseous.

When I finally sprint downstairs my mom smiles at me almost proud at my speed. And now I realize why. I took about 10 minutes to freshen up, shower, dress and come downstairs. Now that is impressive. My mother is someone who instilled in me to be on time or rather before time. My father on the other hand is pretty chill about these things. So, he just nodded at me. Then for some reason patted my back saying, "don't worry kiddo. It'll be okay."

Dear dad what will be, okay? Could you please clarify what it is you are referring to for this puzzled daughter of yours form another timeline? Because I have absolutely no idea what is happening. Yet at the same time my body knows as I am anxious, and I can feel it.

My mom kisses my forehead still wearing that proud smile. Now I am scared. My mama is proud of me. Oh, that's something scary alright.

"You will get it, I am sure. Don't be so nervous." Thanks mother. I smile at her nervously while internally start to question what is happening today? Guess I will find out soon as nobody seems to tell me what it is I am nervous about.

Probably because they think you already know!

My irritating brain! Can it actually help me once instead of mocking me? Of course not.

True or False.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें