Chapter 14

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I slam the incessant noise maker, AKA my obscenely loud alarm clock. I still do not understand why I have this alarm clock. Like why do I not use my cell phone? Also, why is this clock so loud? Argh! Groaning I close my eyes. Only for them to spring open within a second. As if the alarm clock did not wake me up with the loudest sound. Gosh! But the memory of what I discovered, now has me wide awake. As I try to unwrap what I discovered, what I found, in the last timeline. A crucial piece of information. At least I hope it is. Weird though that it was just me standing there, noticing it even though Cloe was with me up until that moment. Then she just lost consciousness. As if she is not supposed to know. Well, whatever. Now that I know that I need to figure out a way out of this...loop?

Groaning I turn a little. Instantly the blurry painted galaxy ceiling comes in front of my vision. I groan yet again. So, I am 15 years old again, waking up in my childhood bedroom. And just like I know my mom's voice reach my ears.

"Get up Alison. You'll be late otherwise. Your father is leaving in fifteen minutes." I do not reply. Instead, just nod, realizing that this is part of the loop and it's supposed to happen.

Now I am wondering if I am in a loop or ... but that is not possible, is it? Well, if movies taught me anything, it is that if I am in a loop, I should be repeating a day or one incident. But instead, I seem to wake up or start the loop as 15-year-old and finish it as almost 30-year-old. And there have always been several incidents. So, I do not think I am stuck in a loop. But then the other answer is much more scarier. Because then I am stuck in a simulation. So, I basically need to solve something to get out. Well that makes sense as I have so many constants. Huh? Maybe and hopefully, if I identify them correctly then I can get out. Fingers crossed!


What? Why is my alarm beeping again? Didn't I shut it down? I check my hands and face and I still look like my 15-year-old self. So, what is going on? Without thinking I throw the device across my room. It makes contact with the wall and breaks down as it falls on the floor. I am not even sad that it is now in pieces. I just shrug and try to get on with this loop.

Not at all shockingly I find myself downstairs, ready to go to school. With my mother looking at me proudly. Okay this is still creepy. Or maybe now more so because I know I am in a simulation and the similarity between the reality and this one is uncanny. My father on the other hand just smiles at me. We are soon on our way to school. Not that I expected anything different. While on my way there, I do start to think what all the constants are. And one weird thing I notice is that I can still hear the incessant alarm ringing even though I am far away from my bedroom, and I broke the clock.

So, first constant is I will always wake up as 15-year-old, needing my glasses to see. Then I go to school and... let's see if I am right about the next constant in about 3 seconds. Just as I predicted. In about 3 seconds my father drops me off at school and I wave bye to him. Two hands hug me from behind scaring me a little. I gasp as I turn to see Rick's smiling face.

"Morning beautiful." I smile at him as he bends his neck a little to peck my cheek.

Taking my hand in his, we walk towards the double doors.

Suddenly, I am standing in the middle of the hallway in my high school, and I hear the sound of laughter. The sound that is similar to cackling of hyenas. No. It can't be. Really? He was just holding my hand. I shake my head a little only to come face to face with the humans producing that sound. Rick and his two lackeys, pointing their fingers at me and laughing. Who even know why they are laughing? But it does not make any sense to me. He was just here holding my hand, kissing my cheek, now he is my bully? What? I rub my eyes a little to adjust my vision, forgetting my glasses, which inevitably fall down on the floor.

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