Object Harshness 1

51 0 0

Jet Pack, Tourmaline, Slot Machine, Skirt and Permanent Marker are online

Jet Pack: Guys, can I microwave peanut butter?

Tourmaline: Are you trying to start a fire?!

Jet Pack: I dunno

Tourmaline changed Jet Pack to Numbskull

Numbskull: Hey!

Skirt: That's accurate

Permanent Marker: Yeah, I agree

Slot Machine: But it is mean

Microphone is online

Skirt: Oh dear god

Microphone: What?

Skirt changed Microphone to Annoying Asshole

Annoying Asshole: Okay, you're a dick for that

Skirt: So what?

Numbskull: No, seriously, can I microwave peanut butter?

Permanent Marker: And why do you want to microwave peanut butter?

Numbskull: My pb&j is cold

Tourmaline: ಠ_ಠ

Tourmaline: I'm gonna kill him.

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