chapter 4

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kind of karlnap chapter :)

warning: swearing

karls pov

once we made it to school, we stopped by georges locker first.

and there were dream and sapnap!

"hi!" george says, smiling.

"hey guys, happy belated birthday george." 

dream pulls out a box, and george takes a peak inside.

i lean over to see, and there are rings!

"oh my god thank you so much dream!" george goes and hugs dream, and dream melts into the touch.

"for real though they are so cute." sapnap whispers into my ear, and i nod and smile.

"okay lovebirds break it up, im going to head to my locker." i say.

"ill come with!" sapnap says.

i take his arm, and we head to my locker, with dream and george following behind.

"what's your first class again?" sapnap asks.

"english," i respond.

"okay, see you at lunch!" he waves good bye.

dream and george leave too, and then it's just me.


finally it's lunch! i pack up my stuff and head to the cafeteria. 

the cafeteria is so loud, it's so annoying.

i sit down and see that dream and sapnap are already sitting down next to each other, and george pats the seat next to him.

"random thought, have you even wondered what dream and sapnaps marks are?" george whispers.

tons of times. 

we had never shown our soulmark to each other. we'll kind of?

me and george had never seen sapnap and dreams soulmark, and dream and sapnap had never seen ours. 

and it stayed that way.

and to be honest, we all liked it that way.

we never really talked about it.

im definitely scared to see their soulmarks anyway.

"nope." i reply to george.

i take a bite out of the hot pocket that i had for lunch, and some how sapnap and george are deep into an argument, while dream is just wheezing along.

i stare at sapnap.

he's perfect.

his smile.

his laugh.


"shit, why is he so cute." 

george, sapnap and dream all stop what they are doing, and they stare at me.

"what?" i question.

they just stare at me genuinely confused.

"why are you guys sta- OH FUCK DID I SAY THAT OUT LOUD?" 

"yea," george replies to my question.

"you got someone you would like to tell us about?" dream smirks.

"uhh nope." i reply quickly.

they are obviously going to laugh at me.

"karl, we won't judge you!" sapnap says in a comforting tone.

gosh how did he know.

"umm well...." 

i dont exactly know what to say when my crush is sitting right in front of me.

"well im bi, for starters." i mumble.

"really? im proud of you karl." sapnap smiles.

"oh yea, ive been meaning to ask you, how'd you find out?" george asks, which dream nods to.

"umm well i think girls are attractive and all but there's just this one guy i really like..." i almost whisper the last part.

"WHO?!" all three of them shout at the same time, which turns attention to our table.

we all giggle, and people go back to what they were doing.

"it doesn't really matter." i say, no way am i confessing to sapnap right here, right now.

"oh hell it matters," sapnap chuckles.

i blush. why the fuck am i blushing?

dream and sapnap start looking behind them, for some reason?

"what are you guys doing?" i ask.

"yea you guys look like idiots." george smiles.

"well clearly karls blushing so we are trying to see if someone made eye contact with him or did something to make him blush." dream says.

"that's what i was thinking!" sapnap tells us like a child.

"i swear you guys share one brain cell." george says.

"anyway, continue karl." dream says.

"well uh, yes its a guy. the thing is i know them very well so i don't wanna ruin like our friend ship yknow?" i say.

"yea." i hear all three of them mumble.


"what, you guys have crushes?" i ask teasingly.

they all just nod their head.

"damn, y'all all do share one brain cell, it's creepy if you ask me." i giggle.

"okay guys don't make me be the only one talking!" i complain.

"sorry." dream says.

"guys," sapnap starts.


"do y'all want to show each other our soulmarks?" sapnap asks.



going to be gone wednesday thru friday :)


have a beautiful day as always! you are loved <3

touch grass :D

word count: 677

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