chapter 10

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dreams pov

get ready to be so fucking confused <3

also monster ultra vibes :DD

"uno!" george screams.

"i swear to fucking god why are you so good at this game?" sapnap asks.

"it's just because im better, duh" george says, sticking his tongue out.

"whatever" sapnap pouts, throwing his cards on the floor.

"damn sap, you really had bad cards." i butt in.


" i think dreams right." karl adds, him not paying attention and instead staring at his phone.

i chuckle.

"ughh babe you are so annoying." sapnap fake sighs, but then quickly snatches karls phone.

"hey sap! give it back!!" karl whines.

"nope. sorry love!" sapnap laughs, and quickly runs upstairs, karl chasing behind, the marks on their skins growing ever so brighter.

gosh they are getting so close.

"guess it's just you and me." i smile.

"and me and you," george finishes.

i pull him into a kiss, and he gladly excepts it.



"when are we going to tell them?" i ask.

"whenever you are ready, dream." he responds calmly.

"i love you." george smiles.

"love you too." i laugh, and pull him into a hug.

(r u confused yet?)

"can we go to bed now pissbaby," george giggles, punching me playfully.

"ughhh fineee." i pout.

we walk upstairs, but before we can make it into the bedroom, karl stops us.

"GUYSSS!!" karl smiles.


"me and sap found this thing on pinterest, basically we write down a memory we have with each other and then we pass it around, and each person adds to the memory, and then we all read it at loud at the end?" karl explains.

"let's do it!" i smile.

we walk into georges room, and sit down.

"mk so let's each write down something." sapnap smiles.

i look at the blank piece of paper.

oh yes! i love this one!

once we finished writing everything on our cards, and we swapped them around, we read them aloud.

(at this part you can try to guess which person wrote which line in each memory! ;)

i start.

"remember when me and george were hanging out on the couch, and we heard a weird moaning noise...

and me and dream went upstairs to see what it was and i was sure it was karl..

and i heard the door swing open and i hear dream yell 'who the fuck made that noise'...

turns out it was me and i was just playing minecraft with sap and i died.."

sapnap starts reading.

"remember when dream and george had sex in a hotel room? and dream made me and karl watch...

it was really traumatizing, but the funniest part was that they made the room cleaner clean it up..

and we happened to run into them, his name was quackity. all he said was what the fuck is wrong with you guys in spanish, it was really embarrassing...

all im saying is george could barley walk, and quackity is now a great friend!!"

george starts reading.

"remember when dream had just left my house, and karl came soon after that, covered in hickeys? and he asked me to help him cover them up...

my sister had took some of my makeup and she gave it to her boyfriend, so i had none at home and came to georges house for some...

i came back to georges house because i forgot my phone, and when i saw karl i thought george gave him those, i was sad...

dream called me to tell me that george cheated on him, but then when i heard hickeys i immediately said they were mine."

karl starts reading.

"remember when we all went over to my house for a movie night? and we started watching heartstopper and sap was so into it...

and then our sisters were supposed to be with us, but they were no where to be found so we went to go look for them...

YES THIS MOMENT WAS TAKEN!! we went into faes room to see all four of them cuddling on the bed...

and they were sleeping it was so cute until we all got some sort of loud thing and banged it in their ears, and they chased us around the house!"

"these are so sweet. everyone gets to keep one by the way!" karl exclaims.

"cute," i smile.

"aww, these are so nice." george says, clinging on to me.

"im just glad the mother fuckers got what they deserved." sapnap smiles, and we all laugh.


"anyway, we proabaly should go to slee- and they are already knocked out." i smile, and look back at karl and then george.

me and sapnap stare at each other for a moment, but then fall into laughs.

"me and george are going to tell our parents that we are dating by the way,"

"oh we know." sapnap smiles.


"same way you figured me and karl out, we spied on you." sapnap emphasized the spied.

"okay idiot, im going to go carry karl to bed, love you brother." sapnap smiles, picking up karl.

"love you brother." i smile.


wanted to show the connection with sap and dream!!

i worked and hour on this, because i just NEEDED a chapter out today.


proabaly going to change the book name to 'and me and you'


you r beautiful and loved!! :)

touch grass <3

word count: 836

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