chapter 7

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dreams pov :o

i rest my head on the back of my bed and sigh, still thinking about my conversation with sapnap.

"yea. umm well if you really think so i think you should tell him!"

as much i hate it, saps right.

"oh my lord i fucking hate this!" i yell and bury my self into my covers.


i look up to see my little sister, drista standing in the doorway.

"oh..uh hey." 

"you okay?" she asks, and sits down on my bedside.


"sorry don't believe you. what's wrong?" she questions, laughing a little.

"well basically, yknow george right? well im pretty sure he's my soulmate and i like him but i don't wanna ruin..whatever we have." i confess.

she smiles softly.

"hey, ive been in that position. in love with my best friend." she giggles.

"HEY! IM NOT IN LOVE WITH MY BEST FRIEND I HATE YO- but you love me." she interrupts me.

"and yes you are." she says.

"no im no- okay fine i am." i sigh, defeated.

"KNEW IT!" she pumps her fist in the air.

"sorry," drista giggles.

"just tell him."

"okay.." i respond.

"your not going to listen. you promise?" she holds out her pinky.

"ugh..promise." i complain, and interlock her pinky with mine.

"love you, dreamy!" drista smiles, getting up.

"love you, dristay?" i chuckle.

"stop. that sounds weird, bye!" drista waves bye and runs to her room.

why am i so lucky to have a supportive best friend and a great sister?


chapter = deserved


beautiful and loved = you ;)

touch grass :D

word count: 235

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