chapter 6

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sapnaps pov

warning: swearing 

just so you know most likely every chapter will have swearing.

it had been a few days since me and dream had showed karl and george our soulmarks. karl has been well...avoiding me?

i look down to see a text from george.

the colorblind mf :]

hey sap, can you come to the mall with me today?

wanted to try some new fashion styles n stuff

also you wanna do a sleepover with karl 

and dream tonight

at your house pls 🥺🥺





see you at the mall in 30?


i sigh and put my phone away, and go to my car. 

"maybe i should just tell karl how i feel." 

my phone starts ringing.

"oh my fucking god i just put it away, they will never leave me alone will they?" 

incoming call:

green blob

accept     decline 



"okay what the hell happened now." i sigh.

"so i uhhh...think george might be my soulmate." dream giggles nervously.

"wait what? hold up...what?" i say, genuinely confused.

"okaybasicallyhesaidthathewantedtotrycloutgogglesrightandhelikesthemandthatsmysoulmarkandireallylikehimsoihopehesmysoulmatean- "SLOW DOWN DREAM!" 

"sorry." dream says quietly.

"did you get all of that?" he asks.

"yea. umm well if you really think so i think you should tell him!" i say genuinely.

"oh no fucking chance." dream responds.

"oh yes fucking chance! your doing it. i DONT mean to be the mom here...but you are. i see the way he looks at you! yall are made for each other." i roll my eyes.

"okay, ill think about it. thanks. sap, really." he says.

"you don't need to say thanks man, that's what im here for. okay? now if you'll excuse me im going to go to the mall okay? love you bitchy blob boi." 

"love you sippy cup!" he chuckles, and hangs up.

gosh they are so oblivious. 

if only my friends were smarter.

(bro if only you were smarter sapnap you are the one who is blind for karl)

i go to the mall, and see george standing there with i don't know how many bags but he has a lot, and the majority of the items are clout goggles.

oh shit maybe he was right.

"hey gogy!"

"hey! how are you?" he asks.

"umm well if it helps i just found out something really big." i smile, hinting it.

"what is it?" 

bro why are they so fucking dumb.

"ahh..nothing you'll find out soon." i mentally face palm myself and we walk into the mall to get more items.


sorry kinda got lazy on this chapter :))


you are beautiful and of course, loved!

touch grass for a change :D

word count: 401

aww so close to 400 :(

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