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Trigger warning for murder and gore

     Kuroo tucked his phone into the pocket of his jacket following behind the pair. Boss said to keep an eye on them, and he would. Tonight was the night teros were the most actived. The best food for a vampire. They were small squirrel like creatures with owl heads. They were high in vitamins they needed, full of rich human like blood. Perfect for fledgling vampires, and full vamps.
    Tonight was also the night Kuroo could make the most money. He and Bokuto both went into a vampire hunting program. And nights when teros were active always brought in the most dough. Every vampire body they returned to HQ earned them a hundred grand. If the vampire was rich in rare bloods, more money.
    Kuroo loaded a magazine into his pistol, then cocked it back. He sat perched in a tree watching as little teros skimmpered and ran. The creatures chirping and playing, unaware of bodies that lurked in the shadows. A sick grin plastering his face as he fired a bullet into a blondes skull. The monster screeching as it died from the poison released into it's system.
   " that's one.. Wonder if Bokuto and his little owl will show " he sighed jumping from the branch. Word had spread about a current attack in an alley behind a bar. The victim was a noirett with steal blue eyes named Akaashi Keiji. That peeked Tetsuro when he learned he'd been attack, he instantly went to his friend. Checking to make sure Koutarou was ok with this news of his friend. But he'd seen the hunter inviting the enemy into his house. He stayed hidden watching and listening to the people. Bokuto had gone against the hunter code of kill to save human lives.
     He immediately told The Boss was given the task. Of taking Bokuto and Akaashi out. The raven was no longer human and a danger to society. Bokuto had gone against code meaning he was compromised. The bed head going silent when he heard bickering in the distance.
     " it's gonna die just eat it"
     " you shot it! "
     " so? It's dead now. I killed it for you agaashi!!! " ah the beautiful sound of two friends arguing. More importantly his targets arguing. He brought the scope of his gun to his eye training it on the vampire. Take him out as a warning to the older male. But he never pulled the trigger. A tero took hold if the barrel looking at him curiosity. Slowly he loward the weapon eying the little critter.
     " if it really bothers you that much-"
     " I've gotta over come this at some point " the vampire whispered taking a knee beside the dead animal. He picked it up gently find the sweet spot in its neck. Keiji closed his eyes whispering under his breathe then biting in. At first his teeth had to fight against the tough skin. But with enough force they broke the flesh, and a spark sounded through his veins. This taste wasn't like the deer, it was sweeter, more rich with flavor.
     Kurro watched in disgust as the monster preyed upon the animal. He shook the thing from his gun aiming it at Keiji. Slowly his finger touched the trigger ready to pull. The vampire dropped the animal whipping his sleeve across his mouth.
    " now" a boom echoing through the air around the party. Bokuto moved quick drawing his gun, pushing his friend out of the bullets path. Not without his arm getting grazed by the silver bead. With his own gun he fired at the direction the bullet came from. He knew what, or who ever fired had left when two teros fell to the grass.
   " Akaashi!? " he called finding the raven no longer in sight. His ears perking at the sound of someone breaking a branch. The hunter turned finding a terrified Akaashi holding two halves of a broken stick.
    " Keiji you're alright " he took a step closer to the vampire, only for a stick to be thrown at him.
    "Stay away! You're bleeding and I'm fighting myself to not attack right now! " the noirett hissed covering his nose and mouth. The stick in hand held out ready to shoo the older away.
     " Keiji I can't leave you here after that! You'll have to keep fighting till we get back. I believe in you" Bokuto smiled covering his bicep with his free hand. He watched the younger nod then take the lead on the walk back. The hunter could see it in Keiji's movements, how badly his body wanted to turn around.
    " who was that? " the noirett asked as his feet stopped at the apartments door. The older unlocking it for them to enter.
     " a hunter " Bokuto stated walking to his secret room. Akaashi tried to follow only for him to loose the male at a corner.
     " is there a tero season? "
     " no but there is a vampire season." Bokuto voice was stern and cold as he spoke. In a blink he was inches away from Keiji. His breath could be felt by the other against his lips.
     " and it's prime time "

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2022 ⏰

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