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tues looked around at the street in awe. the streetlights were beautiful. she admired them as tails and her were crouched in a bush, as he figured out a way to get to sonic.

"tues! stop drawing attention to us!" tails groaned silently.

"i'm not! i'm just looking!" tues defended herself, lowering herself back into the bush.

tues fiddled with a leaf as tails fidgeted on his gadget. a small rattle was heard from the bush next to tues, which made her ears perk up.

"what do you hear?" tails asked, noticing his sister's shift in mood.

"rustling." tues said.

"sure..." tails nodded, "now, i found him. but we just need a way to reach him without being followed. what can we do?"

tails opened one of tues' pockets and grabbed a bag of grapes, eating some while he looked out into the street for a way out of this dispute.

his ears perked up once he saw a police car, "standard human transport. perfect."

"is this is rodent you're looking for?"

tails turned to his sister, who was holding a squirming possum in her hands.

"what?! tues, put that down! you don't know where it's been!" tails said.

"but tails! he has a tail!" tues said, grappling onto the possums tail, as it tried to bite her gloved hand.

"he's disgusting! put him down, i've found a way to get to sonic." tails scoffed.

tues frowned and placed down the possum, "farewell, my disgusting friend. we'll meet again in another life."

tails scoffed and rolled his eyes, "she always does this."

tails grabbed her hand and lifted her up onto her feet, as she brushed off her brown pants. they hurried across the street and crouched next to the police door.

"okay, tues, stay on lookout for anything suspicious. i'm breaking into this." tails said, opening his small yellow backpack and looking for tools.

tues nodded and looked around, standing on the balls of her feet. she swayed back and forth, creasing her white shoes slightly as she did.

"do you have a screwdriver?"

"oh, yeah." tues nodded, opening a pocket by her calf and grabbing two, "yellow or green?"

"is that even a question? yellow."

tues handed the screwdriver to her brother and put the other one back, looking around the town once again.

"aha!" tails smiled, opening the door, but his smiled completely dropped once he saw the drivers seat, "oh."

"what's up, bromigo?" tues asked, standing next to him.

"i cant reach the petals..." tails frowned.

"then get into the next seat. but don't be scared! i am a great driver." tues smiled ushering her brother into the next seat, "shoo, shoo, my youngling."

tails frowned and crossed his arms, as tues sat in the drivers seat, "oo-la-la! what a fancy little...transportation thingy!"

tues turned the key and watched as the car lit up, her white tails swaying back-and-forth slightly with excitement.

"go straight." tails said, looking at his device.

tues nodded and pressed the gas, going down the road as she just cut off two vehicles, which honked loudly at her.

TUESDAY  knuckles the echidnaWhere stories live. Discover now