Chapter 6

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My phone rings. It's Cindy. Odd. She usually just sends a text especially this time of night. I answer the phone. She's already talking before I can even say hello. "Hey Kris! How was your day? Anything interesting?" She asks. I answer not really. Got some work done for the Disney trip. She asks to see what I'm working on. Sending her pictures of some head bands I made, masks and t shirts. All Captain America. She laughs on the other end of the line. "I wonder what the inspiration for was all that?" I tell her to stop teasing me when I get a text from her. When I open it, I crack up. She's giggling. "Could it be I don't know maybe that?" It's a shirtless picture of Chris. This girl I swear. "Cin, where did you find this?" I ask. She tells me google. Then she sends me another picture but, it's Tom Hiddleston. "I'm sad I can't send you pictures of him anymore Mrs. America." Laughing so loud I think she's going to hurt herself. "Girlie, please don't call me that like ever." I giggle. "I thought you liked him? That things are going well? He did ask you ask out again. To a Patriot's game of all things. He picked that up in your conversation at the bar and ran with it. I think it's sweet." She says. "I can't believe you googled half naked pictures of the guy I went out with. I do really like him. A lot actually but, we're taking it slow. I'm not even close to being called Mrs. America so stop weirdo." Shaking my head at her. "Nope, not going to happen. So, I'm right in thinking you haven't seen the interview yet? That's why I called you in the first place." I ask her what she's talking about. She sends me the link to watch. I say I'll call her right back. I watch in horror as he's in front of the world talking about me. He isn't using my name but it's me. Sh*t. The worst thing is that the other three of them I talked to yesterday join him. What the hell? He's notorious for NOT talking about his relationships. Like ever. What is he thinking? Sebby and Mackie added me on my social media accounts just this morning and so did he. It's going to be so obvious. Then my phone pings.

Cindy: So were you going to tell me you met Tom Hiddleston or what?!?

Me: I didn't meet him, he said hello to me over speaker phone Cin. I would tell you if I had actually met him.

Cindy: Tom knows you exist! You talked to him! He literally said how wonderful and beautiful you are. That deserves at least a phone call to me!

Me: I'm sorry. I forgot. It was late last night, and they were drinking. He did call his darling though. That he can't wait to meet me. Chris didn't sound happy about it lol.

Cindy: OMG!!!!! Lucky you. You took Chris off the market and Tom Hiddleston told the world how astounding you are.

Me: I didn't know I have taken him off the market. You found out before me. Shoot! Girlie that meme he showed her? I made that. It's only on MY social media. Now he and the other two following me. Someone could find that. I have to take them down. I also need to text someone right now. I'll talk to you later. Love you

Cindy: Americas *ss getting beat? LOL

Me: YUP! lol

I send him a text to let him know I wasn't happy. I would've appreciated if had talked to me about this. Before almost exposing me to the whole world. Especially before I had the chance to tell Liv. We just started dating. I don't know why he did this. I'm more worried than I was before. If this is going to progress any further. I need to lay out some boundaries. For Liv's sake. She has enough going on in her life. She doesn't need to be exposed to the hateful nature of the world. My phone goes off. I know it's him. Well, I now don't have to pretend I didn't know his middle name. He asks on a scale how mad I am. I can't even answer that. Telling him just to call me when he's done. Right now, I'm angry. I need some time to calm down. I can't talk to him at this moment. I'm trying to be understanding of the fact that he doesn't get how different my life is. Not just having a kid but, in general. I'm a very private person. I don't want to be front and center like he's probably used to. I certainly don't want that for my daughter either. Maybe this is a bad idea. Maybe me dating him could be too much. For both of us. This could get really complicated for all three of us. Sitting in the kitchen at the counter. Glass of whiskey in front of me. Pondering life in a trance. The backdoor slides open. "Kris? I thought I saw the light on. What's going on sweetheart? It's late." She says concerned. She sees the whiskey. Knowing I only have this when I'm really stressed. I sigh. "Kris. Talk to me." Putting her hand on my shoulder. I told her everything that happen. How I'm feeling completely overwhelmed and worried. That maybe I should stop seeing him now. Save myself all the crap that would be coming. Putting my head down. "We both know that isn't what is really bugging you. I'm your mother. You're afraid he's going to hurt you like Tim did. Sweetheart, you have to realize not all men are like Tim. Look at what Chris did on your first date for crying out loud. Now, he finds out you never got to go to a Pats game and boom. You're going. A play off one at that. Tim never did those things for you. He never would've even thought to. I wished I would have seen sooner how much of a jerk he was. I could've tried to save you from all of this." She whispered out the last part. I start to sob.

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