Chapter 16

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Chris POV

"I'm going to be a Dad! We're having a baby princess! Oh my god. I love you so much Kri." I kiss her gently. I can't fathom this right now. I don't think I have ever been so happy in my life. Other than when I first found her. She's crying. I'm crying. I am sure look like a mess right now. A happy one though. "You're going to be a daddy baby. I love you too!" She smiles putting her hand on her stomach. "You have to eat something Princess. Come on." I open hand her the saltines. "Now this is the part I was hoping I would never remember. Be prepared babe. You thought hungover me was bad. Buy stock in saltines and ginger ale now. Maybe Gatorade too. I can't believe Dr. Banner just told us we are having a baby. How is this my life?" She laughs. "That bad huh?" I ask. "You have no idea. Hopefully this one will be nicer to mama. Even though I got a pretty good kid from it. I know I won't be in it alone this time either." She sighs. I stroke her hair standing over her bed. The mother of my child laying there. Looking miserably ill. I put my hand where hers was before. Knowing my baby is right there below it. "I promise you princess. I will never leave you alone. All three of you. Ever." I bring my lips to where my hand is and lightly kiss her stomach. "Now littles. You be good to mama. She is working really hard to grow you. On top of it she has to deal with me. Not to mention all your idiot Uncles. I can promise you if you are good to her now. You'll be the most spoiled kid on the face of the earth. I can't wait to hold you. To see what you look like. I hope you look like your Mama though. Because out of the two of us she is definitely the pretty one. I love you so much already." I kiss her stomach again. Trying not to be teary. I have waited for this for a very long time. I truly never thought it would happen. With the first girl I ever fell in love with. I'm a very lucky man. Putting my hand back I look at her. She is crying as well. "Just when I think you can't get any sweeter. I love you handsome." She smiles. "I love you too beautiful." I tell her. "I really need a shower. I feel so gross." She sits up. "You need to finish those and drink that before you do anything else Kri. You heard what the doctor said. I will ask the nurse if you can. Finish all that up while I do. You haven't eaten in days. Ok?" I kiss her forehead again before leaving the room to the nurses station. Mackie is out there waiting. Arms crossed and a huge smirk on his face. I know we aren't supposed to tell anyone soon so I'm playing it off. "What?" I ask him. "Man the walls here aren't that thick. Don't worry I won't say anything. Congratulations man." He hugs me. I thank him. "Now go sit with your bestie while I find a nurse and some more food for her." I laugh. "Oh that means I'm going to be a godfather right?" He says. Nope I smirk and shake my head walking away. "Both of you man. You're both cold" He laughs.

"Here we go. You guys ready to see your baby? Keep in mind there's not much there right now though for you to see. Ok?" The ultrasound technician asks. We both nod our heads eagerly. I sit next to Kri. She grabs my hand. I can tell she is excited. Nervous too. I stare at the lit up screen in front of me. No idea what I am looking at. "See that?" The tech says. "That is your baby's heartbeat." She smiles at us. "A strong one too. That's great. Hold on one second and let me turn this up a little." She plays with the machine. I'm watching this tiny little flicker on the screen. Knowing it's my son or daughters heart. She said it was strong too. So I am even happier. Then a sound fills the room. I can't help but cry when I hear it. Clearing my throat. "Is that what I think it is Princess?" I look to Kri. "Yes my prince. You're listening to your baby's heartbeat." She puts her hand to my face. Tears in her eyes too. Today is one hell of an emotional day. I take her hand in mine. Kissing it. "I love you Kri." I say. "I love you too Chris." She smiles. Then turns her head to the screen. I do the same. I can't believe it. I'm going to actually be a dad. "How far along do you think I am?" She asks the tech. "My guess is probably seven weeks." She smiles at my beautiful angel. She starts to laugh. I ask her what so funny. "Letty did say to get working on it. I guess we did." She giggles. "That can't be when? Really has it been seven weeks already?" I laugh with her. "You work fast Evans." She cracks up. "Hey! Come on now. Poor lady doesn't want to hear any of this." I grin. "You think I haven't heard worse? Here I printed these out for you guys." The tech giggles. She hands me our baby's first photos. "Kristen, Take your time cleaning up that gel. Chris make sure she doesn't get out of that bed though. The doctor want as much bed rest as possible until tomorrow. I will be back in a few minutes to take you to your room." She shuts the door. "Do you need help my love?" I ask. "Baby if you spend the next nine months being helicopter boyfriend I may have to kill you. I'm pregnant not broken." She laughs. "Sorry baby but you may have to give me some time." I smile. She starts to giggle to herself. "What's so funny?" I am curious. "I was just thinking of the day this little one may have been made." She laughs even more. "Wow I was that bad huh?" I'm not understanding what is so funny. "Baby, you don't remember it? We were reliving our youth?" She is hysterical now. I fight the urge to tell her to calm down before she hurts herself. "Oh my god Chris! You don't find it hilarious that you knocked me up when we were roleplaying it being our first time?" She snorts. "Well A knocking you up sounds kind of crass. And B it is kind of funny you are right. Guess its better that we weren't each others first. Could have been dangerous. Lots of Evans babies filling the world by now." I laugh.

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