Chapter 20

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Chris POV

"Hey guys." He whispers. "He's awake you're fine man." I tell him. He goes to Kri. "How you doing?" He asks her. "I'm better now. Painkillers are awesome." Kri smiles. "Good for you then." He laughs. I take my boy over my shoulder to burp him. Kristen has felt so bad she can't breastfeed. They said sometimes as you get older it just isn't possible. I don't mind at all though. I love feeding him. I get to bond with him. Plus she needs her rest. It was a long labor. Her poor body is exhausted. "Want to hold him?" I ask my friend. His face turns to panic. "Don't worry You won't break him." Kri smiles at him. I stand up to give him the chair. Tell him to sit. He does. Holding his arms out eagerly. I hand my boy to him. His eyes light up. "Well hey there little punk. It's about time. Uncle has been dying to meet you." He grins talking to the baby. "Chris video and pictures of this would be awesome to have." Kri says to me as I get my phone. I hit record. "How's it feel?" Kri asks him. "To be holding my nephew? Freaking fantastic!" He grins at Kri. "To be holding Christopher Sebastian Evans." She says casually. "Wait? What?" Seb stutters a little. In complete shock. I'm glad she thought to record this. "When we talked about it we wanted to name him something meaningful. For us. Our journey. A big part of that is you Sebby. Years of being his friend. Playing his closest one on screen. All while I watched you both lovingly. Wanting to have you both a part of my life. Then you became a brother to me. Hence Christopher Sebastian." She grins at him. "Holy sh*t." He whispers. "Well little dude. It looks like you're stuck with me. Until the end of the line punk." He laughs. "Could've never imagined this coming from a couple movies man." Seb talks to me. "Neither could I." I tell him. "Mackie's going to be so pissed." Seb grins down at CJ. Kri started calling him that. Cap Junior she laughed out. "Clarence will be just fine." Kri answers. "Damn little dude. Thank god. You look like your Ma." Seb says chuckling lowly. "Thanks." I laugh. "It's true and you know it." My friend jokes with me. "Mackie's correct on one thing. It's awful when you're right." I grin. A light knock at the door. "Come in." I call out. "How we doing?" Mackie comes in with Jamie. "Doing good Tone. Hey Mama." Kri says. "Look at you Seabass. Good look for you. Now seriously give me my nephew. It's my turn." Mackie smiles. "The hell it is. I was here before both of you idiots." Jamie says. Seb stands up handing him to Jamie. "Oh my. What a handsome little man you are. Hey buddy." She sits in the chair. Smiling down on him. "So now is auntie going to finally know what to call you?" She laughs. "Was thinking the same thing JJ." Mackie smiles. Looking over my boy. In his girl's arms. "Please let me tell him. I beg of you!" Seb laughs. Grabbing onto my arm. Pulling on my shirt. Kri cracks up with me. "Jesus Christ the two of you I swear are worse in real life then those damn movies and the show you were in." Jamie laughs. "Tell me what Krissy?" He looks at my girl. She's trying not to laugh. "No you didn't." Mackies smiling. "Please tell me my nephew isn't Steven Grant or some weird sh*t like that." He cracks up. "Nope my man." I smile. "Seriously Pleeease. I'll pay for his whole college tuition. Buy him a car for his sixteenth birthday. I'll even babysit whenever you want." Sebs pleading with us. Kri is dying laughing watching him. "You got a deal Sebby." She says. "Let me get my phone. I have to get this recorded." Seb gets his phone and starts taping.

"Here we are. Say hi everyone!" Pointing the camera to himself at first. Then he scans the room to show all of us. Kri and I are dying laughing. Mackie looks annoyed. "Kristen and Chris have given me the great honor of being able to tell this man right here. Say hi Mackie." He points the camera to Mackie's face. Who's clearly not pleased right now. "What Baby Evans's name is. Sh*t! Hey, can I post this?" He snickers. My girl and I nod. "Kristen they really are the three stooges." Jamie laughs hysterically. Mackie looks at his girl like he's been betrayed. "What babe? It's funny." She smiles. "I know I'm so going to hate this." Mackie shakes his head. "There's baby Evans being held by Mackie's girl Jamie. You ready Auntie Jamie?" He's so playing this up. "Yes I am Uncle Sebby!" She grins at him. "Ladies and Gentleman I present to you. Christopher." Mackie interrupts him breathing out. "Oh thank the lord." He shakes his head. "Sebastian Evans." When he says it the camera goes immediately to Mackie's face that's stone cold shocked. "This is a joke right Krissy?" He turns to his friend. She's trying not to laugh. "We'll get you on the next one." She giggles out. "You had to didn't you? The whole Cap and Bucky thing?" He breaks into a fit of laughter. "Evans I can't believe you signed on for this." He slaps my back. "You're damn right you will get me on the next one. Now give me my nephew baby girl." He takes CJ out of her arms. "Thank god you're better looking than those fools your Mama named you after. You poor little man. What are you calling him for short?" He asks me. "CJ." I tell him. "Oh that's cute. Short for Chris Junior I like it." Anthony says still smiling at my boy. Kri tries to hide her giggles again. "What?" He asks me. "Cap Junior." I laugh out. "Krissy there's something seriously wrong with you girl. Now you turned my boys. Listen here CJ. I'll try my hardest to keep you out of all this weirdness my man." He laughs. "Seriously can I post it now? His face was priceless!" Seb begs. I tell him it's fine everyone in the family and the ones not here know his name already. "Oh so we wait to torture me?" Mackie says. "Pretty much. Sam." Kristen giggles. "Lucky I love you girl." He smiles back at her. "Not as much as I do." A voice comes from the door. She made it. She didn't think she would be able to. "Cin?" Kri whispers. Tears falling. "Hey girlie." She walks right to the bed and hugs her tightly. "I've missed you so much." They both say at the same time. Wiping each others tears. "How you feeling?" She asks her. "Painkillers are a blessing." Kri laughs. She hugs me. Congratulating me. Then Seb and Jamie. "Hey Mack." She smiles. Putting her hand on our son. "Well hello there Christopher Sebastian. I'm Auntie Cin. Look at you. I knew you were going to be beautiful." She softly talks to him. "Here you go Auntie." Mackie places him in her arms. She sits on the the bed. "Who would've known huh girlie? Just because I made you go into a bar." She laughs. "Right?" Kri giggles. "Told you. Fate." She looks back down at CJ happily. "Told you that we both deserved them." My princess answers. They smile at each other. Sharing a memory of the night we met. One that was just theirs.

One Night in BostonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang