Chapter twenty five: Halfway to Heaven

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Y/n woke up in a winderful mood. He opened his eyes and saw Ojiro sleeping on his chest. For the first time in a while he had no worries ruining his mood. Neng was dead, so was Yui. Ojiro was by his side, soon they would get married. It was all going so well it was almost suspicious. Y/n kissed the top of Ojiro's head and sighed in content. He felt like he could lift the whole globe on his shoulders.

He laid like that in his own world until Ojiro started stirring in his sleep. Y/n smiled as he watched his lover open his eyes and glace at him. Ojiro blinked the sleep away and rubbed his eyes lightly. Then he just nuzzled Y/n's neck.

-Good morning. - he muttered.

-Morning babe. - answered Y/n. - How did you sleep?

-It's a rhetorical question, right? -Ojiro said playing with Y/n's palm. - You know the ways to put me to sleep.

-It's not my fault the shower got out of control. - chuckled Y/n.

-Who's fault was that then? - asked Ojiro. - I was washing myself in peace and suddenly I was pressed against the wall.

-When I watched at your hands were going all over your body and how water was rolling down...- Y/n sighed dreamily. -...I just couldn't resist. And you won't tell me you were flexing yourself in front of me without a reason.

-I'm guilty. - admited Ojiro, earning a chuckle from Y/n.

-No sign of remorse in your voice. -teased Y/n.

-Because I don't regret it. - smirked Ojiro.

-It's good I gave you the full punishment then. - Y/n copied Ojiro's smirk.

-It felt more like a reward. - Ojiro kissed Y/n's cheek.

-And you call me cheesy. - Y/n chuckled, squeezing Ojiro tighter.

Ojiro and Y/n cuddled and snuggled until it was time for breakfast. They got up, put some clothes on and made their way to the dining room. Yume and Kazuki were already at the table, as usually.

-I wonder if you ever be able to surprise us and come here before us. - teased Yume.

-I don't know what to say. - chucked Y/n. - Probably not. In my defense I will add that I wasn't able to move, as someone was crushing me. - he said glancing at Ojiro.

-I told you I will crush you. - Ojiro answered innocently, recalling their buisness talks before Tenshin's demise.

They all chuckled at Ojiro's remark. They started eating the breakfast. The atmosphere felt nice as many times before, but Y/n still felt like all the pieces were on the right place. Kazuki cleared his throat, earning his attention.

-Now that the problematic people wetretaken care of – he said. - we can proceed with your wedding.

-You're right. - nodded Y/n. - Finally.

-You still didn't tell me your song for the first dance. - reminded Kazuki.

-We didn't come up with it yet. -answered Ojiro.

-You're joking. - said Yume. - I thought everything was ready.

-This one matter wasn't taken care of yet. - confirmed Kazuki.

Ojiro and Y/n couldn't decide what song to pick. Ojiro didn't really listen to music when he was younger, especially when he was in Chiyoda. Y/n on the other hand didn't want to pick something without Ojiro's approval.

-You have to take care of that. -pressured Kazuki. - You don't have any enemies to get rid of now, you can sit down with the computer and listen to music.

-Alright. - sighed Y/n. - We will decide today, right love? - he asked turning to Ojiro.

Ojiro nodded. After finishing the breakfast they went to the office and sat at the desk as promised. Y/n picked the playlist of the best ballads he knew. It was not only the proces of picking the song, but also of helping Ojiro explore his music taste.

-It's almost like poetry. - Ojiro said, listening to the lyrics of another song.

-Yeah, some of the songs are masterpieces. - agreed Y/n. - Like you. - he whispered teasingly.

-Stop it. - Ojiro chuckled before he focused once more on the song.  

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