Voice One: Flesh's Voice or Human Nature

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1. Flesh's Voice (Human Nature)

· Romans 8:7- Flesh's voice is hostile towards God; Flesh's voice is disobedient. This is the voice that is resentful toward God and what He may be telling you to do. This is the voice that will give you reasons NOT to do what God is telling you based on what God "HASN'T" done for you.

· Matthew 26:41- Flesh's voice is weak; I don't mean you can't hear this voice. I mean this voice isn't "strong enough" to do God's will. I personally would interpret this as this is the voice that is afraid. This is the voice that is telling you everything that could go wrong with God's plan and that it might be safer to stay where you are. It might even tell you to wait for a "clearer sign" before you take action, but take it from me, that voice will keep telling you to wait until you decide to stop listening and go for it.

· Romans 7:18- Flesh's voice is unwilling; This is similar to it being weak where it isn't "strong enough" to want to do God's will. The only difference is instead of playing with the fear factor, it plays with your doubts. It gives you reasons to hesitate, waiting for a clearer sign maybe even being one of them. It gives you reasons to NOT want to follow God's plan.

· Galatians 6:8- Flesh's voice corrupts; It draws you to "easier", "more fun", or "better" options than following God's will for your life. It points you in the direction of a faulty solution that inevitably ends with a big sticky mess. And the only way you're able to clean up that mess without making it worse is by getting back on God's path.

· James 1:14-15: Flesh's voice speaks of sinful desire; In other words, this voice is selfish. Our nature as humans, even after being saved, is sinful and selfish. This voice will appeal to that nature, giving you options that would make you "feel better" rather than how following God's plan would. It will be tempting to listen and give in, especially in the midst of whatever you may be going through at the time, but if you follow this desire you'll end up worse than before.

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