Voice Three: The Holy Spirit or God's Voice

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3. God's Voice (The Holy Spirit)

· John 6:63- God's voice speaks life; God's voice lifts you up. It's encouraging; maybe not exactly positive in the worldly standpoint every time, but there is joy and peace in hearing Him.

· Hebrew 4:12- God's voice is convicting; Conviction is one of the most subtle but powerful ways God communicates with us. It could be a nagging feeling that won't go away, a pull that you can't resist, or that little voice in your head that won't you leave you alone. When you feel it, it's hard to doubt that anyone or anything other than God could be causing it.

· Psalms 29:3-9: God's voice is powerful; Even in the still small voice, there is an undeniable power in it. When you hear it, it fills you with strength and confidence that nothing, not even darkness or sin, can take away from you.

· Jeremiah 33:3- God's voice gives you answers and reveals unknown truths; God ALWAYS answers you, even if it isn't right away. He either answers with "Yes", "No", or "Wait", and silence itself can mean "No" or "Wait". His voice also reveals things you never realized or thought about. These revelations often give you a deeper understanding of Him and His plans for you, and also bring you closer to Him.

· John 16:12-14: God's voice guides you to the truth and glorifies God; While Flesh's voice and Satan's voice try to denounce God, the Holy Spirit glorifies Him. It guides you in the right direction, toward God and His will for you. It also guides you to the truth. Notice how it says "guides", not "gives" you the full story. God doesn't give you all of it right off the bat, you need to find it with Him as a guide. And in finding those pieces of truth, you will grow in and closer to Him.

· 1 John 4:16 & 18- God's voice is loving because God is love; Love causes you no fear. Not much more to say off that except that with no fear there is no uncertainty.

· James 1:13- God doesn't tempt you!; God. DOES NOT. Tempt. You. Our God is honest and pure, and He's also a God of love and freedom. He lets us make our own choices because He loves us enough to let us; though He offers us guidance and guidelines to follow to lead the best life. He would never tempt us by dangling false promises in front of us; every promise He makes is honored and fulfilled.

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