Voice Two: Satan's Voice

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2. Satan's Voice

· John 10:10- Satan's voice steals, kills, and destroys; I think of it like this: he aims to steal hope, kill love, and destroy faith. I don't know how else to put it other than he will speak negatively to you, about you, and about God's plan for you.

· Zechariah 3:1- Satan's voice accuses; He will accuse you of sin, accuse you of making mistakes, and accuse you of failing God even. This is him trying to steal your hope. He's trying to make you feel like you could never fulfill God's will for your life because you aren't worthy to, which couldn't be more false.

· Genesis 3:1-5: Satan's voice tempts you; Go back to the famous story of Satan, disguised as a snake, tempting Eve. While a well-worn story, it's still true; Satan will offer you paths that seem to lead somewhere promising, even rewarding, only to lead you somewhere dark and consequential instead.
He'll try to make you question or doubt God by saying things like, "Are you sure that's what he said?" Or "Are you sure this is the right way to do this?" This goes back to one of his goals: to destroy your faith. He's going to try to convince you that you're not on the right path and tempt you down a different darker path.

· Luke 22:1-6: Satan's voice turns you against God; While Flesh's voice is hostile toward God, Satan's downright HATES Him. It will try to cause you to foster anger, hatred, or some other negative feeling toward God.
It might ask you why God won't just pull you out of whatever situation you're in at the moment, why He won't give you answers, or even why He won't just tell you His whole plan. His goal here is to kill your love for God and replace it with hatred that will harden your heart toward God, resulting in the inability and unwillingness to hear His voice or follow His will.

· 2 Corinthians 11:14- Satan's voice disguises itself as truth; Satan is literally the forefather of lies and deception! He can tell you a lie so well that it sounds like solid truth, even causing you to believe it 100%.
This can cause great confusion, especially when this fake truth conflicts with God's truth. It can destroy your faith if you begin to doubt God's truth and follow the false truth instead. The trick is just being able to see Satan's lies for what they are and knowing that God's truth is sound.

· 2 Timothy 2:26- Satan's voice traps you; Satan has lots of weapons in his Arsenal, but two of his most powerful I think are guilt and fear. If you don't completely give your sins and mistakes over to God, Satan can turn that against you.
He can cause you to not feel worthy or capable of doing what God has planned for you, while causing you to fear God's rejection when you supposedly fail him at the same time. It can steal your hope and even destroy your faith when you forget this one truth: no sin is too big for God to redeem.

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