Preparations to be made

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Hermione Granger x reader
Warnings: mentions of food :)

"So, what did you have in mind?" Hermione asked you as she walked into the kitchen with you.

For this Christmas you had taken on the job of preparing dinner for your friends. At the time of making the choice it had seemed as the right one, but as soon as you had started planning you had realised that it wasn't. Luckily, your best friend Hermione had been there to help you.

"I thought that we could start with the pudding," you said, as you put on a pink apron that clashed terribly with your red jumper. "Since it has to steam for a while. Then the ham..."

Hermione chuckled as you darted around the kitchen, pointing out things that you wanted to make, while still trying to tie the apron on your back.

"...and they were out of—What is wrong with this thing?" you cried out, frustrated with the apron.

"Come here," Hermione laughed and she walked closer to you. She placed her hands on your shoulders to spin you around and took the straps, tying them behind your back.

You fell silent as you felt the brush of Hermione's fingers on your back, ignoring the butterflies that erupted in your stomach. It worked fairly well, considering you had been doing it for so long now.

"Exactly how much food are we planning to make?" Hermione asked, as she pulled on the ends of the straps.

You laughed softly. "Yeah, you might have to come over for dinner the rest of the week."

The hot air from Hermione's nose as she smiled stoke past the skin of your neck and you barely could contain your shiver. "I wouldn't mind," Hermione mumbled softly and then she turned you back. "Here, all done!"

You smiled and looked at your friend longer than you should before you quickly headed to the refrigerator. The cold air was welcomed heartily by your hot cheeks, while you took the things that you'd need for the pudding.

Hermione and you started on the pudding while talking about work and your friends. Refusing to spend more than a day on the dinner, you had chosen a reasonably easy recipe and everything went fine, until you had to wrap the foil around the bowl.

"No, no, wait. There's a gap here," Hermione said as you pressed down the foil on one side of the bowl. You moved the foil a little to the other side and tried again. "Yes, it's good here."

"But not here," you sighed as you realised that the foil didn't reach over the side of the bowl closest to you. "Can we move it?"

You pulled the foil back. "Stop!" Hermione cried out. "It's open on this side again!"

Annoyed, you let go of the foil completely. "It said that it was an easy recipe!" you sighed. "We have done exactly what it says!"

Hermione pushed back from the counter and bumped you aside with her hips. She took the edge of the foil and lifted it so it was completely off the bowl. Amazed, you watched as she perfectly placed the foil on top of the bowl and wrapped it over the edge.

"How did you do that?" you asked, happy it was done, but also a little annoyed that she had done it perfectly in one attempt. "You're perfect."

Hermione blushed and waved the compliment away. "Don't say that, y/n. You know it's not true."

"Well, then you are the perfect help right now," you said. "Because we would have definitely gotten ruined pudding if it wasn't for you."

"Alright. You're welcome," Hermione giggled as she tied a string around the foil.

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