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Hermione x fem!reader


House: Slytherin

Summary: Y/n and Hermione are secretly dating

Hermione has alway been a wonder to me. She's smart, funny, witty, gorgeous, she always smells nice, her eyes- oh her eyes. I could get lost in them forever. I will always love this girl, weather she wants to go public or not.

We've been dating for over a year, in secret of course. Hermione isn't out yet, and I totally respect that, don't get me wrong. I get that she's not comfortable with sharing something so personal, but sometimes it'd be nice to not see guys flirting with her.

Right now we're in her dorm. It's colored with red and gold, a nice change from the green and silver I see everyday. Hermione's legs are tangled up with mine, her arms wrapped around me. I'm reading her favorite book to her, The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. I start to hear soft snores from the brunette next to me and shut the book quietly. I set it down on the nightstand and wrapped my arms around her waist, quickly falling asleep as well.


Hermione. I need to find Hermione. Ron decided it was a good idea to try the Calvorio curse so he can ise it on Malfoy. I tried to stop him, but it was too late, he had already turned himself bald. It was so hard not to laugh, but I managed.

I've been looking in all of Hermione's usual spots, the library, Myrtle's bathroom, everywhere. It finally occurred to me to try looking in her dorm.

When I got there, I knocked. No answer. I knocked again, this time a little harder. Again, no answer. I decided to try and open the door. It was unlocked. I walked inside and to my surprise saw Hermione sleeping soundly next to someone. I noticed Hermione wearing a green hoodie. When I looked closer, I saw the Slytherin emblem on it.

I walked closer to get a better look at the person she was hugging onto, only to see some girl. Not just any girl, but one of Malfoy's friends. I quickly went over to Hermione and shook her. When her eyes opened, she looked to me and turned scared.

"I- I- Um... H-Harry... what- what are you doing h-here? She stuttered out. "I just cane to ask for help, who is this?" I said harshly. "I- uh..." the girl next to her opened her eyes and looked at me angrily. "What do you want." She spat.  "Who are you and why are you in my best friend's bed?" I spat back. "I'm her bloody girlfriend you idiot!" Her eyes widened. She looked at a loss for words. "What?!" I yelled. I wasn't mad, just confused. "I- Hermione- I'm so sorry." The girl said, looking like she was about to cry. "I didn't mean to- I swear it was an accident." Hermione's eyes were popping out of her head. She looked over at the girl next to her and her eyes softened. "It's alright my love, I know you didn't mean to." Hermione said sweetly. "No! It's not alright! I just outed you to one of your best friends!" She yelled. "Y/n, love, don't beat yourself up about it. I know it was an accident and I forgive you." Y/n just nodded shamefully.

A few seconds later, Ron came bursting in. "HERMIONE! HELP ME!" He yelled. "I'm not helping you with that attitude." She replied. "I- wait who's that?" He stopped mid-sentence and looked to Y/n. She was about to open her mouth, but Hermione beat her to it. "My girlfriend."
Credits to "miss-celestial-being"

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