Ch 16 - Deals

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Catriona twisted her napkin in her lap, trying not to make direct eye contact with her customer unless absolutely necessary. Even though Patrick was sitting next to her, and the restaurant was full of people, she still didn't feel easy with the way James's eyes bore so directly into hers, or how they drifted around her neckline and hands as she spoke.

She cleared her throat to continue. "I think if you consider Mr. Griffin's love for his wine and the appeal of his business to the market, you'll find that he's the perfect man to support."

With that she stopped her pitch, trying to settle the nerves in her throat. She knew she had rushed it towards the end, but all the same, it had been leagues better than rehearsals in her room. She was beginning to understand how much work a sale was, and she understood why Griffin wasn't interested in making deals.

But also, there was a bit of an adrenaline rush to it that she found intriguing.

James raised an eyebrow and gave a slight nod, no clear expression on his lips. In a powerful pause, he reached for his mug of coffee on the restaurant table and brought it to his lips, letting both Catriona and Patrick know that he was, in fact, the one in control of the deal.

When he put his mug back on the table, he smirked.

"You taught her well," James said, nodding at Patrick.

Patrick laughed with good humor.

"She was a natural from the beginning," he replied. "I just helped her spread her wings. So, what do you say, James? Have we convinced you?"

James leaned back in his seat, his lips pursed in contemplation.

"Take your time to answer," Patrick said. "There's no rush to these sorts of things. Except, of course, that with all these prohibition laws these days, my cousin's vineyards may be bankrupt tomorrow, and then you'll have lost the opportunity. That would be a shame, wouldn't it? Ah, but it's up to you, my friend. I won't pressure you one way or the other. In the meantime, why don't I get the bill for us this evening? One moment."

Patrick got up and left Catriona with a wink, heading over to the counter to ask for the bill. Catriona shifted in her seat, quite aware of the way James's eyes were drinking her in, in the same way he drank his coffee.

Catriona cursed herself for not being the confident businesswoman that she should have been. Rose would have never acted like such a sheep, would she?

"Are you Patrick's girl?" James asked, taking another sip of coffee.

Despite the warning in her brain, she answered automatically.

"No, sir."

He pressed his lips together, nodding to himself. He took another sip.

"You have an accent," he said. "British?"

She gave a light smile, not answering.

"I'm quite interested to know how Patrick picked up a foreigner for his business."

"It's not Patrick's business I support, but the vintner's."

The man chuckled. "Are you the vintner's girl then?"

Catriona opened her mouth but closed it again. When she said nothing, James slid his eyes over to the front desk where Patrick was supposed to be. When Catriona looked to see if Patrick was returning, he was nowhere to be found.

James chuckled darkly. "Did that cheap bastard skip out on the bill again?"

"Restroom, perhaps," Catriona offered.

That was her hope, anyways.

His eyes met hers once more. "Don't worry, darling. If he's gone, I'll take care of everything."

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