Ch 3 - Cole

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I watched the elevator doors close entirely before stalking out of the lobby and around to where Benedict had parked the car.

"She wasn't home?" He asked when I slid into the backseat.

"She arrived while I was talking to the doorman." I glanced down at my phone to check the time. "Take me to the office."

"Yes, sir." He drove in silence, wise to not comment on my dark mood.

"Mr. Luca." The night guard greeted when I walked into the lobby. I nodded in greeting but didn't stop on my way to the private elevator. Upstairs, I headed to my office. I stood in front of the window for a while, pondering on what to do next. I pulled my phone out and made a call.


"Jenks, it's Cole." I cleared my throat. "I apologize for the time."

"No need. You pay enough to make it worth my while. What can I do for you, Mr. Luca?"

"Macy Grey Cairo – I want to know everything there is to know about her."

"Another possible mistress?" He joked. I'd had him investigate a few women before I had them sign NDAs during our 'courtship'.

"She's my nanny." He went silent.

"You should've called me before you hired her, sir."

"She was already investigated on a professional level. I need to know more personal things. I want to know where she likes to shop, what she likes to eat."

"Anything else you want me to look out for? Crazy ex? Possible drug addiction?"

"Get me anything you can find."

"Might take a couple days with those parameters."

"That's fine. The more information you provide, the better your bonus will be." I hung up then, tapping my fingers on my desk. I'd overstepped today by kissing her, but I found it hard to think straight when she was near.

I stood and began pacing in front of the window, trying to think. Not even a day in and I'd already stuck my foot in my mouth. Usually, I had a woman sign an NDA and then until it wasn't convenient anymore, I owned them every way to Sunday. In the bedroom, at least; I'd never taken them for dinner, or on a date, never met their families. I'd realized I needed more out of both my mistress and my nanny – both of whom seemed to come and go faster than my money. I needed a wife, one who didn't know she was going to be a wife. I needed a nanny who could be seduced into being a mistress before agreeing to be my wife. Simple, efficient; with the right amount of money, I could persuade her to the altar. I'd begun fishing around in my social circle, in search of a woman my type. Instead, one night I'd gone to some dingy diner to do business with an associate after hours and ran into her. The diner wasn't the reason they were always meeting there; she was the reason they were always meeting there.

Imagine the surprise when she turned out to be Grey's goddaughter. A few well-placed conversations later, I'd had her waiting in my office within a month of having decided. Seeing her in person, standing with the sky as her background? I'd tacked on that ten-year bullshit spur of the moment to see if she'd refuse. Any woman in her right mind, one who had a boyfriend, or any form of a life that she wanted to hang onto, would have said no. But that hadn't deterred her in the least.

I'd watched her on the cameras this morning. The way she moved, I couldn't help but lose my train of thought. And when I'd heard her tell Maggie she was still a virgin when they'd been in the kitchen? The maid who had been cleaning my desk jumped at my tone when I'd told her to get the hell out of my office. After I locked the door, I sat and watched in silence for a bit. Until I'd fucked it up in the boys' study room with that kiss. Too soon; I didn't want her to end the contract before the first month was even up, before the boys even got the chance to meet her. Because without my children around? I found that I could be an asshole, top tier at that. I'd had too many nannies tell me if it hadn't been for who they were working for, they'd have stuck around for Eli and Freddie until they graduated high school.

Then the idea struck. Without the boys, I was just another asshole for her to deal with. They wouldn't be back for three months, but that didn't mean we couldn't take an impromptu trip to them. If she could just meet them, see us as a whole, the rest of the work would be cut out for me.

The next day, I got up early. I may have even whistled as I trimmed my beard after my shower.

Downstairs, Maggie arched her eyebrow at my sweatpants and t-shirt.

"You are living it up after this divorce, aren't you?" I choked on my coffee, laughing so loud Benedict stopped pouring his juice to turn and look at me.

"I take it that's a rare sight?" Macy's voice teased from the doorway. It took everything in me not to turn and watch her walk towards me. I started cracking my knuckles, exhaling when she finally appeared in my eyesight. "Good morning, everyone."

"Good morning, dear." Maggie answered. I ignored her, trying to think of the best way to approach this. "Cole, I would like to believe I helped instill better qualities in you than the ones you're currently displaying." I cleared my throat, swallowing the pancake I'd been chewing. When I looked up, it was apparent she expected me to greet Macy.

"Good morning, Macy. I trust you slept well?"

"I did, thank you." When she walked past me, I caught a hint of the scent of her shampoo. Even that was enough to make me regret wearing sweatpants. I'd assumed she would still be at her apartment. A look from Maggie had me grabbing my now refilled plate and heading to the table to join Benedict and Macy. Maggie joined us, sipping on her coffee and talking about things to fill the silence while we ate.

"So, big plans?" Maggie asked me when I finished my food.

"I'm flying out to see the boys." I started with a soft smile. "I think a week or two in Europe wouldn't be amiss right now. The weather will be shitty here for a week or more anyhow." Maggie frowned at my choice of words but didn't comment.

"Where in Europe are you going?" Macy asked. Though her voice hid her excitement, her eyes never could.

"They're in Italy right now. They were going to leave but I called Dad and told him to wait for me. I need to take the boys out for some authentic pizza if I'm going to take a vacation from work and fly across the ocean." The more I talked, the more this dreamy look began to creep over her face.

"I've always wanted to try pizza in Italy." She offered, blushing when she noticed everyone was looking at her. Or was it just me that couldn't look away?

"You should come with me." I offered, keeping it very businesslike. That part, I had no hard time playing. "You could meet the boys and make sure this job is the one for you."

"Oh, you'll love the boys, Macy." Maggie agreed, patting her hand. "And I can assure you, Italy has much to see. And I'm not just talking about pizza parlors and landscape, if you know what I mean." Macy blushed harder, focused on eating her breakfast.

"I think it would be nice, but I don't have a passport."

"No need. I'll take care of things tomorrow. I planned to leave tomorrow afternoon, if that's ok with you?" When she nodded, I just barely managed not to smile like a wolf about to eat the lamb. 

being his slaveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang