Ch 11 - Cole

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Leaving Macy was one of the hardest things I'd ever had to do. She hadn't even signed a damn contract and already I wanted to use her, show her what it truly meant to be a submissive, my submissive, as if she were one of the seasoned socialites I usually kept around.

I turned my phone off once I'd taken my seat for the flight to Italy. There were certain things even I could not refuse, and a call to go to Italy was one of them.

We landed in Tuscany around six thirty. Private plane meant I could fly directly into Tuscany instead of flying to Florence, the closest international airport to Tuscany, then taking an hour car ride to Tuscany. Disembarking went quicker and smoother as well – something Elijah had insisted on. Time flew by as I waited for everything to be cleared because I went through all the correspondences I had received while unavailable. Apparently, Macy had left the estate to spend the night in the house she'd inherited from her parents. She'd had her things from her apartment delivered there, so I had assumed eventually she would visit again. I'd had the foresight to inform the realtor I worked with to keep her eye on the neighborhood for any houses up for sale. She didn't ask questions, which was one reason why she'd remained on payroll for so long. I liked employees who didn't ask too many questions. She'd sent me a text letting me know the nice house across the street from Macy's was for sale. She'd already put in an offer, adding on a hefty bonus to entice the sellers to accept. I'd mentioned my interest in the house before, so she'd kept an eye out. The unbothered five acres of wood behind the house would make for a nice secondary, more secluded home than the estate. Somewhere to escape to, where I'd be able to pretend to be like the rest of the husbands in the neighborhood, talking about the garden out back and the best way to grow tomatoes for a sweet homemade ravioli sauce. Imagining Macy as the woman I worked beside, cooking, sleeping, loving my children – it made me realize that when people said love at first sight existed, they were right.

"Mr. Luca?" I tucked my phone away before grabbing my briefcase to follow Benny from the plane and out to the SUV. I'd only responded to Oliver, thanking him for walking through to make sure everything was as he'd left it when he'd delivered her things from her apartment. Oliver hadn't asked a single question other than which rooms when I'd informed him I wanted surveillance installed in Macy's house when he'd taken her things over. Since Benedict had decided to stay with Maggie, I'd promoted Oliver to his position. The raise I'd given him had seemingly bought his silence, though sometimes his judgement was tangible.

When I finally sunk into bed an hour later, I glared up at the ceiling for twenty minutes before I grabbed my phone and pulled up the camera feed to her bedroom. She was watching TV. I watched until she turned the TV off and went to sleep. I caught myself drifting off to the sound of her fan, her occasional snore lulling me deeper.

I was eating breakfast the next day when Benny walked into the kitchen with Frankie in tow. I arched an eyebrow at Frankie's abrupt visit.

"Where's Micah?" I asked, watching him make himself a cup of coffee.

"He's in Louisiana." Never one to elaborate. Dickhead.

"You had me fly all the way out here when I could have met him there?"

"He's not doing business right now."

"We never get vacations. You don't think I have other things I'd rather be doing right now than sitting eight hours from home?" Like training my future sub.

"Micah needs you to take care of a few things." Frankie's voice brought me out of my thoughts. I glanced at Benny.

"Benny, you can have the day off. I'll be with Frankie today."

"Yes, sir. I'll be on call." I nodded once, watching as he left the kitchen.

"Let me get dressed." Frankie leaned up against the counter and sipped at his coffee, no other response needed on his part.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2022 ⏰

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