Ch 6: Part II - Cole

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"I think this bed breaking is a sign." I started with a chuckle as I helped Macy up from the floor. She laughed, turning to look at the bed.

"I really hope he wasn't fond of hiding stuff under his bed." She added.

"He prefers having a safe." Her eyes widened. "He's one a kind, I can assure you."

"So, what sign would that be? That he needs a bigger bed?"

"That, since I'm down one housekeeper, I think you and the boys should move to the main house." She glanced up at me, a calculating gaze on her face.

"I would only have to redecorate two rooms, instead of four." She agreed tentatively. "And I haven't unpacked much, so the move wouldn't be too bad."

"I'll have the maids take care of everything." She turned and narrowed her eyes at me.

"You always get someone else to take care of the problem?"

"Sure. That's what I pay them for." She sighed and rubbed at her forehead.

"I need another cup of coffee." She announced then, leaving me in the room alone. I followed behind her a few minutes later, after arranging for the maids to come today and move over Eli and Freddie's personals to their rooms in the main house.

"I've got the maids coming to pack up the boys' rooms to be moved back to the main house. I'll have them move your things into your quarters-"

"Speaking of, I'd like to see the room you want me to move into before I decide." I waited until she made herself another cup of coffee before we headed back to the main house. Upstairs, I showed her the room that was next door to mine. I'd had the walls knocked down between two rooms to make it one big room for Maggie. She hadn't wanted it, of course, instead choosing to remain in the servant's rooms downstairs. I hadn't allowed anyone else to use the room, not wanting anyone else that close to me.

Because one of the rooms had been turned into a closet for my ex-wife, there was a discreet door that I'd had the contractor leave so the project got done in the time I wanted it done. I avoided pointing out the door as I showed her around. It was large, having been two separate rooms. I'd had a nice bed and reading chair picked out for Maggie, and had even made the bathroom larger than planned to include a large, in ground tub and shower stall with a seat so she could relax.

But watching Macy look around the room, excitement growing on her face, I realized that it had been good that Maggie had remained downstairs. I doubt Macy would be this excited if she thought she was dislodging Maggie from her quarters.

"You have Macy now. You don't need me anymore, honey. I'll visit, of course, and you'll always be my baby, but it's time I moved on." Had been the last thing Maggie had told me before she hung up. She'd talked of retiring years ago to spend time with her parents, but then the divorce had begun and she left we needed her more than she needed to retire, so she'd hung on.

"You ok, Cole?" I blinked, realized I had tears on my cheeks. Judging by the look on Macy's face, she was concerned. I think this was the first time I'd cried since Freddie was born and the doctor put his little fragile body into my arms. He'd fought so hard for nine months, and when he was finally here he was just so small.

"I didn't realize how much Maggie's absence will affect us." She offered me a soft smile. "Affect me, I should say."

"Don't worry. You've got me now." She offered, glancing around the room once more. "The boys and I can move over, and I'll take over Maggie's duties. Everything will work just as smoothly, I promise."

"Any way I can talk you into giving me more than ten years?"

"in ten years, you guys might not even need me." She announced, heading to the door. "I'll get my things packed up so the maids won't have to." And then she was gone, leaving a faint smell of lilacs after her.

After my shower, I took a business call and ended up in the office for a couple hours.

"...taking care of the proper documentation needed, but we should have everything ready by the end of the month so we can begin importing." Peter was saying when Macy opened the door and carried in a tray of food. She was silent as she set the tray down on my desk and offered me a small smile before leaving, closing the door gently behind her. She'd warmed up last night's steak and potatoes and given me a much bigger portion of chicken salad this time. "...Mr. Luca?" I blinked, realized I'd zoned out on a conference call. How would I ever get anything done if every time she walked into the room, I got distracted? 

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