3. UwU

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After shaking Zhongli's hand, Roos walks away, terrified. 'I do not want to see this. I'm sure Lizzy does. I should summon her too.'

Zhongli looks down on Tartaglia and winks seductively. 'Now, where's that bow at? It's time for us to start.' 

Tartaglia gulps. 'What if you just.. lie?' He suggests. 'She's not here to see. Plus, I have no idea where in Archon's name my bow went.' Zhongli spots Tartaglia's bow, attached to his belt, and answers: 'It's literally right there you dumb fuck.' Tartaglia attemps to hide his bow. 'Nooo bbg you're lyinggg..' 

Zhongli stands up, very sexy, and takes a step towards the other. 'Give to me, your bow.' He copies King Julien's voice in that one peanuts video. 'Not gonna lie.. that was kinda hot.' Tartaglia fiddles with his hands. 'I'm not joking.' Zhongli snatches the bow from his, pulling his belt off in the process. ;) 'Can we at least not do this in the fucking Chasm?' Tartaglia requests, trying to hold his pants up. Zhongli glances at the man, a sneer appearing on his face. 

'Is this supposed to be hot and sexy underwear? Is this supposed to get you some bitches? Come on man you can do better than this.' He shakes his head disapprovingly. 

'I'm- I'm sorry

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'I'm- I'm sorry.' Tartaglia brings out. 'I just.. I really liked this thong. I thought it looked good.' 'I can assure you, it doesn't,' Grandpa replies. 'This is horrifying.' 

The ginger starts singing: 'But I'm a creep </3 I'm a weirdo.. what the hell am I-'  He gets cut off. Zhongli kicks him to the ground and pulls off his thong. 

WARNING 18+ HOT SEGGS SMUT (sorry in advance roos.. i want to kms)

Zhongli grabs the slingshot bow, and presses it against Tartaglia's mouth. He forces it in, a serious look on his face. Tartaglia gags, looking up at Zhongli with UwU eyes. His saliva spreads over the tip, and he blinks his eyes cutely. 'That should be enough. For this part, at least.' Zhongli takes it out, and lets the other catch his breath.

'Come on, spread your legs babygirl.' Zhongli commands. Tartaglia obeys, blushing. 'You wanted this, didn't you? You kept being a little poepieass to Roos so she got mad at you!' Tartaglia looks down. 'Y-yes.. 😔😜'

Zhongli pushes in the tip of the slingshot, frowning. 'You're so dead.' Tartaglia scoffs and whispers: 'J-just hurry up.. i'm horneee'
'Okay you impatient fuck' Zhongli sighs and presses it in further. 'Nya 😇😄' Tartaglia whimpers and clenches his fists.
'Aye bro you are really gonna die you know that right?' Geo daddy voices. 'Roos said it was gonna go in no matter what, and you know I love ginger-hater-but-also-has-red-dye-in-her-hair-blind-person-who-can't-twerk-and-likes-pigeons. I can't disobey her!'

The bow was halfway in, it's string pushed against the handle. (idk what thats called) Zhongli was done with his life, and Tartaglia was girlbossing his way through the pain. 'I'll.. be f-fine..' He sighs. 'I'm a baddie so i'll be fine!' And then Zhongli thrusts. Really tremendously very very hard. 'AAAAAHAAHHH' Tartagia moans. He passes out, with the bow almost entirely in him.


'Hello? Are you dead?' Zhongli asks. Tartaglia was in a sub-space.. white (cum) was the only thing he saw..

'Oh my god, I don't have to spend 1.000.000 mora on this Ed Sheeran kinnie!' Lizzy speaks. 'I thought he'd die.'
Tartaglia opens his eyes and starts crying. 'Weeeeeh.. I didn't expierence the fun part..'
'You're alive!'  Zhongli sounds relieved and happy. 'Are you actually.. happy?' Tartaglia sobs. Zhongli's smile drops. 'Happy I can still pay my rent.' He then fakes a smile.
'Fuck you.. waaaah'

A/N: wow i finished this 😃😄😅😆😁 im sorry 😢😡😖 should i write an epilogue?!?! 😝😉

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2022 ⏰

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Tartaglia x Zhongli x Bow SMUTWhere stories live. Discover now