Chapter 2

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I woke up startled due to my nightmare. I get a feeling for my surroundings.

"It was just a dream" I whisper to myself.

I looked at my watch and saw it was 5 in the morning. I go out of my window and make my way to the roof. I sit there and feel my worries wash away as I feel the autumn breeze. I sit there for a while just watching the leaves fall. I saw some unfamiliar cars pull into the driveway. I get down from the roof and into my room only to see my mom there.

"Oh you're awake, get ready, we are leaving in a few minutes okay? The movers are here and will take care of everything." Mom said as she was standing at my door.

"Anyway just get a suitcase for a week's worth of clothes then everything should be there by the end of the week." She walked away before I could say anything.

"Okay.?" I say to myself. I got a suitcase and grabbed some clothing for the plane ride. I looked through my boxes and packed what I think I will need. Including toiletries. I get my important things and placed them into a backpack such as my laptop. I grabbed the box that was under my bed. I opened it and grabbed my dog tag from inside. I placed it around my neck and tucked it under my shirt. I placed the lid back onto the box and put it inside my bag. Looking around to see if I missed anything I grabbed my things and go downstairs.

"Alright, you ready?" She asked.

"Yup," I say. Looked around to stay out of the way of workers.

"Okay let's go," she said, getting her stuff and we made our way to the Uber.

We put our things in the back and I keep my backpack with me. I take my earphones out and start listening to music. My watch vibrated and I saw it was the group chat. I grabbed my phone to see what was going on.

Oh no! Everyone is dead!
I get to keep everything >:)

I have risen from the dead.
I have come to take your soul Huan.

Ew, I just threw up in my mouth.
Don't call me that ever again.
Don't get me started on how that was supposed to be my name.

You know and I'm glad you brought that up.
How the fuck did I get stuck with ABBY?
Ash and I are twins. Why could they have been a little more creative?

You know I have been thinking about it for a while. Why are both your guys' names so similar?

For real I was cheated out.

Full house!
What's going on here?

Are you that lazy to not read it?


We are talking about our names. Abby thinks she was cheated out of a name because yours and hers are so similar.

You know and I'm glad you brought that up. We are the A twins.

It's not that bad.

That's true, it's not so bad.

Why are yall lying to them?

Who is lying?

Ayy yo?

At least someone said the truth but ouch.

Yo Raven
Raven is too cool of a name for you; it should have been something like Elinor.

Elinor? That sounds like I am going to be the old lady who is going to play shuffleboard.

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