Chapter 30

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Raven POV

"They found us. It's safe to say they are on their way right now," I said. "We have to get everything we can and leave as soon as possible," I said with a sigh.

Everyone went into their rooms and started to pack everything they could. They grabbed their weapons and started to pack the car.

"Raven, they are getting closer!" Abby said. "We are running out of time," She said and got inside the van.

"Okay, we have to go now!" I said and got into the car.

I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw a motorcycle with a touchscreen pad on it.

"Shit," I said.

"What?" Jae asked.

"The motorcycle has the chip of where we are. It can track the car!" I said and jumped out of the van. "You guys go without me I will meet you there," I said and put on a helmet.

"Wait!" Abby yelled walking to me. "Take this," She said, handing me a watch. "This dot is where they are," Abby said.

"Thanks," I said and turned on the motorcycle and started to leave knowing this is the easiest thing to notice.

I started to drive away into the road. I looked at the watch and saw they were not going to make it far with how close they were. I turned around and started to make my way over to them. This is so stupid. I drove closer to them and saw them getting closer in their cars. I drove towards them then turned off the road to make them follow me.

"Did it work?" I asked myself, turning to look back to see 2 vans on my tail. "Sure did," I said with a smile.

I drove faster, starting to swerve around some rocks. I saw a stream of water and a forest the bike couldn't make it through. Shit, I weirdly moved the bike making me fall off and crash into the car while the other screeched to a stop with people getting out of the car. I recognized them as my brothers.

"Shit," I said as I got up, and started sprinting into the woods.

I heard multiple footsteps follow me. I continued to run deeper into the woods until someone tackled me. I started to fight them, elbowing them in the face and hitting their groin. I was about to get up again to run until I heard a gun cock.

"That's enough!"

I stood up with my back facing them. I turned around and saw all 7 of my brothers holding a gun at me. I looked at each one of them as I was breathing heavily.

"Shit, I haven't done this in a while," I said, trying to catch my breath. "You guys look good. Very serious." I said out of breath.

"Jungkook," Namjoon said.

Jungkook pulled a collar out of somewhere.

"Holy shit did you pull that out of your ass?" I asked. Then taking a good look at the collar all color drained from my body and my blood ran cold. "no" I whispered knowing where it was from and who it belongs to.

I started to run the other way trying to escape them. Trying not to go back to that place, running as fast as I could I tried to get away from them. That was until I was tackled to the ground again and held down by everyone.

"NO!" I yelled as I thrashed. "PLEASE NO" I continued to yell, continuing to try and break free of their hold. Before I knew it I was crying remembering how trapped I was. "NO!" I continued to yell.

They finally got the collar on and I didn't stop trying to take the thing off. I felt like a dog trying to break free. That was until I felt a shock run through the collar through my body.

"AAAHHHHH!" I yelled, placing my hands on the collar to try and take the thing off as my hands were burning. "AAAAAAHHHHHH! PLEASE" I yelled as another shock went through me and started to hit my head on the ground with how bad I was shaking. I felt my throat hurting with how badly I was yelling. Until I started to feel light-headed, the pain was stopped and everything started to blend until I was met with nothing but darkness.

I woke up in a bright room. I opened and closed my eyes trying to readjust them to the brightness. I felt something heavy on my neck and placed my hand on it, feeling the collar. I sat up in my bed and looked around the room to see the prison I escaped from all those years ago. I looked down at my clothes and saw nothing but white clothing. I looked around to see 2 walls and 2 glass walls as if I were some sort of pet. I looked out the window and saw someone looking in at me.

"What do you want?" I asked coldly.

"Just for you to know I did this for a reason," Namjoon said looking at me.

I nodded my head not believing what I was hearing.

"Is that it?" I asked.

"Yes," Namjoon said.

"Then leave me alone," I said and turned around now facing the bed.

I heard the door open and I saw there were some guards doing what my normal routine was. I was handcuffed on both my hands and feet. I held my head down as I followed the men in front of me. As I am walking down the hallway I feel a pair of eyes stare at me.

"Pick up your pace," the guard said and shoved me.

I walked with them following them into a room. I was forced to take a seat on a chair as I looked at a projection screen. I looked up at the screen not prepared to see anything. A video started to play and it was my team all trying to escape these people. They were in the safe house trying to fight these guys off the best they could until the men started to retreat from their house. I looked at the video in shock as I saw the house blow up with my teammates inside the house.

I couldn't do anything but look at the screen...feeling my whole world collapse in front of me.

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