Chapter 14

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I was laying down on the bed watching a drama with 3 dogs around me. That was until my door slammed open. I turned so fast I thought my head would keep spinning. 

“So you’re a dog thief too!” Jungkook yelled. He was fuming. I thought steam would come out of his ears. Yonngi was also quite upset. 

“Whoa! They came here. I think they followed the pomeranian here. “ I said and held my hand up in a defensive position. 

Jungkook looked at me with nothing but hatred in his eyes. I looked at his face and saw he had some cuts and bruises like he was in a fight. 

“What happened to you?” I asked. 

“Nothing that concerns you.” Jungkook snapped at me. 

“If you don't get that treatment now. It is going to get an infection.” I said and reached into my drawer and pulled out a tube of medication. I closed the drawer and tossed it to him which he caught. “Put that on the wound 3 time a day. It will get rid of any infection and help heal everything faster.” I said and sat back down on my bed. 

“I don’t need your help.” Jungkook said and tossed it back to me. 

“I know. That is why you are going to treat it. I’m not your girlfriend nor care for you that much to do it myself.” I said and tossed it back to him. “Trust me that works. Taehyung gave me a really bad carpet burn and that helped relieve that pain but if you don’t want it then just leave it” I say and looked back at the t.v.

Jungkook was fuming. He grabbed his dog and stormed out forgetting he had the medication. 

‘Thank the hevans he is gone’ 

It was Saterday. The day of the big party. Everyone was in the Dinning room eating their breakfest. It was going normal everyone was talking and I was quietly eating my food. 

“Okay kids. Today is night of the party. Everyone must be well behaved. I don’t want any funny buisness.” Mr. Kim said. “Raven, I want you to stay close with us. I don’t want you wandering around or talking with anyone you shouldn’t. Remeber these are not the nices perople. Boys remember we are trying to make an allience with the Lost Boys.” 

“You mean like Peter Pan?” I asked, confused about what he was talking about. 

“You serously don’t know who they are?” Jimin asked, while looking at me like I was the dumbest perosn in the world. 

“The Lost Boys is a very skilled group. They live in the shadows, no one has been able to find them. The only way you can speek or even see them is when they want to.” Yoongi said. 

“They are very skiled in fighting anf covering their tracks along with their digital footprint. The cherry on top is nobody knows what they look like nor how many poeple are invouled in their group.” Hoesok said. 

“The only information anyone knows abnout them is what they let everyone know.” Taehyung said. 

“Yes, we are trying to makr an allicence with them beofre anyone so we can stay on the top.” Mr. Kim said. 

“So you’re using them? From what I am hearing they wont join you or anyone for that matter.” I said taking a glance at everyone.

“Then why would they be coming?” Jungkook asked. 

“I don’t know. For all I know they could be coming for free food. Shoot I would” I said. 

“They are coming to join a party and we are going to be the ones who get them on our side” Mr. Kim said. 

I stopped arguing knowing they are all hard headed. I took a glance at Namjoon and saw he was thinking about what I said. 

Everone was finshed and told to start getting ready. I went upstairs and started to get ready. I took a shower and dried my hair. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw something was off. I grabbed the dress and heald it to my body. i take off the wig and saw I felt more like myself. With a sigh I put mu wig back on and started to curl my hair. I started to do my makeup. I placed my hair in a half up and half down fashion. I grabbed the dress and zipped up the back only for me to stuggle. I heald the front of the dress and walked out of my room. I walked down the hall and saw Jimin wearing a black suit.

“Hey, can you zip me up?” I asked turning around and pulling my hair out of he way. 

“No” Jimin said.

“Come on. Just help me with this one thing. I wont ask anything form you” I say.

“No why should I?” Jimin asked.

“Juat do it so I can be gone faster” I said.

With a sigh he zipped up my dress.

“Thanks” I said and walked back to my room. 

I closed the door behind me with a sigh and continued to get dressed. 

‘I’m already tired and want to go home’ 

Another half hour passed and I was finally done. I walked over to the mirror and placed the fox mask on my face. I took a few pitctuers of myself and I was ready to get out of this dress. I walked downstairs and sat on the couch and scrolled though my phone. I saw my lovely borthers walking everywhere. 

“Okay everyone ready?” Mom asked as she wore a very eligent black dress. 

‘im guessing this is the family color as well’

I get up from my seat I placed the hood over my head and grabbed shoes that I am takeing with me. Everyonce made their way out and made their way into the limo. I looked out of the window as we started our jeourny to the party.

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