Chapter 15

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We made it to the party and everyone makes their way out of the car. I held my dress as I made my way out of the car. I looked arpund and saw a lot of pretty fairy lights hanging from the lights; making a pathway to the entrance. We got inside and saw a lot of people with masks and very pretty dresses. 

"Boys make sure Raven doesn't go anywhere on her own," Mr.Kim said. 

I felt the air around me change due to their annoyance with me. Now they have to babysit me and I wasn't too thrilled about this either. 

All of us walked in a group and said hello to everyone. Mr. Kim was introducing me to everyone as his new daughter. Once we were done with those very long introductions I walked over to our table and sat down. Jin was with me right now. He was looking around for someone. 

"You don't have to stay with me. I'll be right here" I say to Jin over the music. 

“You don’t have to tell me twice.” Jin said and walked away. 

Jin disappeared in the crowd. I got up from my seat and walked over to get a drink. I poured myself some wine and started to make my way back until a girl bumped into me causing all of my wine to spill on her. 


“Oh I’m so sorry!” I said and grabbed some napkins. “Here let me help you” I say and take a step towards her. 

“Sorry isn’t going to cut it.” She said, “Do you know who I am?!” She asked. 

“I don’t but you look about my size so we can go into a room and switch dresses.” I suggest. 

She scoffed and looked at me like I was unbelievable. 

“I am part of the Lost Boys! Name Choi Hana!” Hana said with anger.

“I know something that can get that out right away.” I said I was still trying to help her. 

Hana slapped me and pushed me onto the ground. I bite the inside of my cheek and get up. I looked at her dead in the eyes with a hard cold stare.

“I was just trying to help you.” I say “Next time don’t act like a brat and maybe we can get things settled like adults” I said as I started to walk away. 

She grabbed my wrist to stop me from going and was going to punch me only for her to miss. I released her grip and almost punched her stopping right before I hit her face. I take my arm and hold it out to shake hands. She slapped my hand away and walked away from me disappearing in the crowd that formed around us. 

“She made me drop my drink. Now I have to get another one.” I said and walked back to where the drinks are.  

I poured myself another drink and a guy with a normal black mask walked up next to me. I didn’t pay him any mind as I wanted nothing more than to go home. 

“Hey. That was pretty cool what you did.” He said. 

“Oh that was nothing. I was just trying to help.” I say as I grabbed another napkin to take with me. 

“It looked like it was something. Hana is someone with an attitude for anything. The fact you stepped up to her was pretty badass.” He said. 

“You say that like you know her.” I said. 

“I sure hope I would. I am  her leader “ He said comley, causing me to choke on my drink. 

I started to cough and grabbed a napkin to cover my coughs. I take another drink.

“So you're the leader of the Lost Boys?” I asked. 

“I sure am,“ He said with a smile. “Right, I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Park Jae” he said, holding out his hand. 

“Kim Raven,” I said, shaking his hand. “ Well soon to be Kim” I said. correcting myself. 

“You're Kim,” Jae said with interest. “Would you like to go on a date sometime?” Jae asked. 

“Whoa there cowboy. 1. Yes, Kim and 2. I have a boyfriend. Sorry” I say and take another drink.

“I don’t see him,” Jae said. 

Before I could say anything back Mr. Kim walked into the conversation. 

“Park Jae. It’s so nice to finally meet you.” Mr. Kim said, holding his hand out to shake. 

“Oh believe me, the pleasure is all mine,” Jae said, shaking his hand. 

“So I see you’ve met my daughter Raven. My sons are around. I'm pretty sure you boys would get along well.” Mr. Kim said. 

“Yes she is lovely.” Jae said with a smile and winked at me. 

“So where is your girlfriend? I'm assuming someone as handsome as yourself would have a girlfriend” Mom asked. 

“I don’t have one. I haven’t found the one for me.” Jae said. 

“Well that is unfortunate” Mom said. 

“Well I see you’ve taken a liking to Raven. She is single. Would you like to go on a date with her?” Mr. Kim asked. 

“What?” I said and turned to look at him.

“I would be honored. But she rejected me already” Jae said.

“Nonsense, I insist” Mr. Kim said. 

“Mr. Kim I am happily in a relationship. I don’t want to betray their trust” I said looking at them.

“You have a boyfriend?” Mom asked, looking at me. “How come I’ve never met this boy?” She asked. 

“I was planning on you meeting them at your wedding.” I said with a small smile. 

“Seems as if I missed my chance,” Jae said with a smile. “I should be on my way, it seems as if Hana wants to talk to me,” Jay said, looking at his watch. “It was lovely meeting you guys” 

“It was nice to meet you too,” Mom said.

Jae walked away and so did I. I walked over to the table and sat there for the rest of the night.

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