Chapter 12

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Lyric's POV

"Lyric!" Louis yelled as Harry and I walked into the house.

"Mummy!" Kale yelled, standing up from his spot next to the couch.

"Kale! Be careful!" I exclaimed.

He giggled, "It otay, mummy. Ou n Em te me can."

"Louis! Gemma!"

"He's going to start walking whether you want him to or not, Lyr, we're just helping the process," Gemma defended.

I sighed, "I know, it's just scary, I mean he's not even a year old yet," I told them.

"We know, but look at him! He's doing so good!" Louis exclaimed.

I smiled at Kale, "Are you being a big boy?" I asked.

He nodded his head, his brown curls bouncing, "Yeah, yeah, yeah," he giggled, holding his arms out for balance. He stuck his little tongue out in concentration and moved his little foot forward and I tensed as he moved his other one. Harry rubbed my shoulders before motioning Kale forward.

Kale reached Harry and Harry picked him up and threw him in the air as he giggled. "I yid it, mummy, I yid it!" he giggled as he hugged Harry's neck.

"I know you did, baby, good job," I said with a smile.

Kale held his arms out to me and I took him off Harry, "I hungee mummy," he told me.

"Are you now?" I asked and he nodded. "Do you want cheerios?"

He shook his head, "Me wan poodin," he said.


"Pudding," Niall answered.

"Oh," I nodded and got him a pudding cup out of the fridge. I sat him down and he said thank you and literally attacked the pudding cup.

I looked at Niall, "What have you done to my son?" I asked.

He shrugged, "I just exposed him to the awesomeness that is pudding," he chuckled.

I shook, "Yeah, and turned him into a monster. Look at him!" I pointed as Kale started eating the cup and yelled at me to get him another one.

"Kale," Harry scolded, "You use your manners and talk to your mum like you're supposed to. You don't talk to anyone like that, especially not girls and especially not your mummy," he told him. I smiled at him and mouthed a thank you.

Kale looked up at me with his big green eyes, "I sowwy, mummy, you fogive me?" he pleaded as tears started to fill his eyes.

I picked up my son, "It's okay, Kale, you just watch yourself. I forgive you, now, please, don't cry, baby," I told him.

"But Daddy mad at me," he pouted.

I glanced at Harry, "Daddy's not mad at you," I told him.

"Pwomise?" he asked, looking at Harry.

"I'm not mad at you, Kale," Harry responded.

Kale's smile spread across his face, "Daddy!" he exclaimed clapping his hands.

Harry took him off me and I watched them play on the floor with Kale's toys. I really hope I'm making the right choice with Harry. I hope he doesn't leave Kale and I. Kale loves him so much already, I don't want him to get hurt. I sighed and looked away. I saw Gemma watching me and she had a small frown on her lips.

"Can I talk to you, Lyric?" she asked.

I nodded and followed her to Kale's room, "Yes?" I asked.

"Please, don't ever take him away from us. Louis and I love him and so do Niall, Zayn, and Liam. Harry already considers him his son. Please, just don't take him away? No matter what happens between you and Harry? I know my brother can be a dumb ass but he loves both of you no matter what he ever says or does," she rambled.

"Gemma. Gemma!" I exclaimed. She stopped talking, "I'm not taking my son away, no matter what happens between Harry and I. I can't do that to the rest of the boys, especially Louis. Louis and I already talked about it. I'm not going anywhere," I told her.

She hugged me, "Thank you, Lyric, thank you so much."

"No problem, love."

Unwanted (A Harry Styles FanFic) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now