Chapter 32

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Lyric's POV

Louis, Kale, and I were out, just stretching a bit as we took a break from the tour bus. We were walking past a shop when I saw something that absolutely broke my heart.

There on the cover of a tabloid was a picture of Harry, Kale, and I having a grand time walking around with each other. Right next to it was a picture of Harry kissing a brunette girl. In a park. I picked it up and read through the article.

''Harry Styles or two timing daddy?'

'Harry Styles has been spotted with a blonde, identified as current girlfriend, Lyric Andrews, and her son, unidentified. The boy has a striking resemblance to Styles, leading us to wonder if the worldwide heartthrob is the young boy's father. Styles' has also been seen with a brunette, also unidentified, while on tour. So, is Styles a dad? Is he back to his player ways?'

I muffled a sob with my hand as I looked at the woman at the stand, "How much is this magazine?" I whispered.

"$2.50," she said. I gave her the money and quickly started walking back to the tour bus, covering my face with my sunglasses and hood. I threw them off as I reached the tour bus.

I stormed onto the tour bus, into the living area, tears in my eyes along with anger and hate. "What the hell, Harry?" I yelled, as I threw the magazine at him. Louis following behind me, holding my confused son.

"What are you talking about?" he asked, picking up the tabloid. He looked back up at me, "Babe, this isn't real! I wouldn't cheat on you!" he told me, sincerity in his voice. I shook my head and walked back to the bunks, I didn't know if I could handle this anymore. I knew something like this would happen, I knew it!

"Lyric! You have to know they're full of themselves! I wouldn't do that to you! You know that! The photo is photoshopped! I didn't even bring that shirt with me on tour! You know that! You helped me pack!" Harry yelled through the door. He was obviously crying.

"Go away, Harry! Just go!" I sobbed. How was I supposed to believe that? It was pretty crappy excuse.

"Lyric, please!" he begged, "Let me in."

"No, Harry, just go!" I repeated. I needed time to think. I wanted so badly to believe him, I wanted to so badly, but seeing that picture made me feel so unwanted and useless. What if it were real? And if it weren't what if it would happen in the future. I couldn't stand this feeling of being unwanted, I needed Harry, more than life itself.

"Lyric," he whispered, "Please?"

I covered my face with his pillow, it smelled so much like him. "Leave me alone Harry!" I cried.

I sobbed into his pillow, wishing he would come hold me, but I didn't know how to feel right now. I heard the door open and close and the bed dip, "Come on, Lyrical, tell Ou how you feel," he said, pulling me up and into his arms.

"Oh, Louis!" I cried, my face in his neck. "I want to believe him! So badly! But, what if I really am unwanted, what if he doesn't love me? What if this is all just a big joke because he feels bad for me and now he knows he's Kale's father? God! What must be going through Kale's mind? Oh, Lou, what do I do?" I sobbed. I'd never been so broken and torn in my life.

It was an easy decision deciding whether or not to keep Kale. Of course I'd keep him and take care of my own mistakes, even though he was definitely the best mistake I'd ever made. It was easy to say goodbye to Derek. It was easy saying hello to the boys and welcoming them into my life as they had welcomed me into theirs. What about Harry though?

"Lyr, you've got to decide for yourself. Do you believe him? Do you really believe that you're unwanted? Do you really believe he doesn't love you? Do you really think he'd date you because he felt bad for you and thought he had to because he's Kale's dad? Ask yourself, Lyric. Do you trust Harry?" he asked.

I looked up at him and bit my lip. "Yeah, I do. I trust him with everything, Louis. I just, want to give it sometime. I want to talk to him. I want to apologize for freaking out and not listening to his explanation. I want him to know I believe him and I trust him. I'm sure I he did and I had a magazine like that he'd admit it, right?" I asked hopefully.

Louis smirked, "I'd like to think so, but I know Harry, and he hasn't left a hotel or the tour bus without you, Kale, me, or one of the other boys the whole time we've been on tour," he told me.

I wiped my eyes, "Louis, do you think he loves me?" I asked.

He shook his head and chuckled, "I don't think Harry loves you, I know he does. Anyone can see it. Anyone who's been around him before and now after you came along. He was in pieces before I came in, holding into Kale like his life depended on it, trust me, love, that boy is head over heals in love with you," he told me and kissed my temple.

I hugged him, "Thank you, Louis," I mumbled.

"Any time, love, any time at all," he told me with a tight hug.

A/N: OMG! Lyric believes Harry! Ahhhhhh! So, a total of 35 this time.

Favorite comments from last chapter were georgiaStyles1029 and murph401. Thanks guys! Keep the feedback coming! -Journey <3

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