(Learning the Art of Teasing)

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So, I wasn't sure exatly where to go with my story so this is basicly me just ramblying. You have been warned. This means you can't sue me if you die or get ingured from bordem.

Of course not everything was perfect. They had spent most of the time they had known each other fighting. But what did Amy know about friendship? Maybe all great friendships started out with a bang. For now she would just try to gather as much information about him as possible.

Chase motioned for her to follow him and they started out for his house once again.

"So why were you out here in the first place." Amy asked, to get the conversion going.

"Well, I was hunting. Until I decided to save you. Probably not my smartest idea." He said this in a teasing sort of way.

It was surprising to Amy that he was already being so open with her. Maybe that's just how people were in this dimension, or maybe that was just Chase. It was certainly nice to be around someone so friendly.

"I'm actually a fair shot with my bow." He stopped, and showed off the impressive weapon proudly.

"Is this handmade?" Amy asked. As always her curiosity overcame her slight shyness.

"Yeah, my dad has been making me bows since I was six years old. Then he carves whatever I want into it. He is very skilled and he makes it just a bit bigger than I am now so that I can grow into it."

The weapon was beautifully crafted. Created from stripes of special wood glued together for maximum power. There was a soaring eagle, roaring bear, and a howling wolf carved into the strong wood. Along with many other majestic figures.

"Well I guess it's time to get going." Chase committed at last. "The evening will be here before we know it, if we're not careful."

They weaved in between the dense forest of trees, at a slow walk. Following the road from a distance.

Amy was quite enjoying the companionable silence, so she was a bit startled when Chase spoke. "You know I'm surprised you handled finding out about this world so well." She shrugged in response.

"I mean it wasn't too shocking for me to find out. I have known about magic all my life, and another world isn't such an impossible idea. I was actually more disbelieving of the idea of a world without magic, then the idea of another world." They both smiled at the memory of his reluctance to believe what she had said. 

Then Chase continued speaking. "But you. You said you just had stories of my world, so it must have been quite a shock to find out it actually existed."

"Well yeah." Amy said. "I don't really know how I'm handling this so well. I think it might be because the concept that I'm actually in a different dimension hasn't fully sunk in yet."

Chase looked at her quizzically. "Sooo, you're saying somewhere in your mind you think this is all a dream?" He gestured to the surrounding forest.

Amy laughed. (A bit shyly to tell the truth.) "Maybe, maybe not." She shrugged. "But it also might be because I grew up reading lots of Fairy Tales."

"Are Fairy Tales popular in your world?"

"I guess. The originals aren't as well known as some of the Disney versions. Most kids don't even realize there are different versions, they really only hear the modern tales. Or see the movies. But I grew up reading mostly the originals." Amy said this with a certain amount of pride in her voice.

"Why did you grow up reading the originals, if the other kids read different ones?" Chase asked.

"Weeeeelllllll." She said, dragging out the word as she decided whether or not to tell him. She quickly decided in favor of telling him. After all what did she have to lose.

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