(The Generals)

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The two children raced through the foliage. One trying to save his father before it was too late. The other was trying not to lose the first among the thick underbrush.

Amy desperately ran after Chase. Just maiging to avoid the many roots that seemed bent on tripping her. At times he was almost out of sight. But she was determined to catch up to him. And hopefully stop him from doing anything rash.

But Chase had the advantage of knowing the forest. He could run with almost no fear of being tripped. And he started to pull ahead of Amy, just as they were nearing the clearing which his house was in.

But as the trees thinned Amy was able to put on an extra burst of speed. Not for nothing was she the fastest runner in her school. (She had developed the ability from long years of running from Brandon and the twins.) She finally started to gain on him

Thankfully Chase had the sense to stop blundering through the forest like a wounded wildebeest. He was actually quite fleet of foot and made about as much sound as a panther stalking its prey, in his soft leather boots.

At the edge of the clearing Amy caught up with Chase. She was worried that he planned to just charge in there with no plan and no idea what was on the other side. So she yanked him behind a tree and out of sight.

"Is this your idea of revege?" He whispered, hissed. "Cause' if it is, all I can say is not cool Amy. Not cool."

"No! I was trying to keep you from doing anything that would get you captured, if there are Hygro Men in there. And it looks like there are." She pointed towards the clearing.

The 20 soldiers they had seen before were standing in a silimcirical in front of a door to what looked like a cottage. Their horses were tied to varos trees depending on where the individual dismounted.

"You think I would just dash in there? I am mortally offended Amy. I..." Chase's voice trailed off when two of the soldiers stepped forward. One was in blue armor the other was in white, they both had taken off their helmets.

They shared only 3 things in common that she could see. They both had chilling faces. From what Amy could see of the side of their heads. The kind of face that struck fear in the heart of anyone. The other thing they both had was 4 golden stripes on their left upper arm. Amy would later learn that these bars were the sign of a general. And on their chest right over their heart's was the chilling crest that she had seen earlier on a shield.

Other than that they were complete opposites.

The one in blue armor was tall and rather thin. And was immaculately dressed, with every piece of his armor shining in the sun. He had long pure black hair, tied back in a ponytail. And a perfectly groomed goatee. His ponytail and goatee seem to stretch his already thin face tighter. He had pitiless dead black eyes. That was sunk into his face, and was overshadowed by his thick black eyebrows. These eyes had never laughed, of that Amy was sure. They were twin black pools of tar. And if you looked into them too long, they would drown you. He also had a hooked beak-like nose, like a vulcher. And he moved with the grace of a panther.

The man in white armor was short and a little pudgy. And he blundered his way around, almost like a wrecking ball. He had short greasy yellow hair. And bugging out of his round face were his beady ice blue eyes that glinted with cruel humor. Those eyes sat below two thin ruler straight eyebrows. The man also appeared to not have a nose. Where it should have been was a ugly mass of scar tissue. And his armor and clothes seemed hastily put on, like he had just woken up and found he was late to something. Mentley Amy nicknamed him, NoNose.

Together the two men hammered on the door with their heavy gauntlet clad fists. Amy was afraid that the door would splitter under the mighty blows it was receiving. But the door was made of oak. And it did not yield to the would-be trespassers, no matter how hard they pounded.

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